Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Visiting nova

We went to shin misato to visit nova. Kimi is much bigger now, a very brave and independent little girl!!

Iki, kiyo and rui now can play together. They fought sometimes  but surely had a very good time!

It's like the end of summer, but it was still warm so the kids hit the pool. What a fun afternoon ( with fabulous lunch)!!!

Pool time

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So starting today, I'm officially a permanent resident holder in Japan (^O^)/

No more visits to Japanese embassy abroad for applying Japanese visa
from now on. YAY!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, August 08, 2011

First TAMIYA kit

So iki chose this Amphibious vehicle kit from TAMIYA shop yesterday.
Well, he actually wanted to build a robot but we think it's way too
difficult for him!

He started right away once we arrived home and really got into it.
It's his first time to build this kind of plamodel. He has to work
with tiny parts, motor and even grease. Not easy but he enjoys it so
much that I think he could manage to finish it.

Ganbatte iki-chan!! This will make him busy for a few days during this
very long summer holiday (^_^)

Science museum

Iki was obsessed with robot since he visited the Miraikan! Last Sunday
he asked papa-chan to bring him to other science museum in Tokyo.

He enjoyed it. So much that it was difficult to drag him out of the
museum. Papa-chan was tired and I could hardly walk when finally he
grumpily stepped out of the building (´・_・`), asking papa-chan to buy
him a robot making set so he can make his own robot.

Brand minded papa-chan didn't want to buy him one from the museum
shop, but brought him to tamiya shop in shinbashi instead. There you
go!! Iki found a new hobby again! !(◎_◎;)

Sunday, August 07, 2011


We went to roponggi hills last weekend to watch cars 2 and I had this for lunch.

It was said as Japan's spiciest Tanya men so I ordered it. Too much
expectation!!! It was not spicy at all. What a dissapointing lunch

Bye bye Kaho....

I held a make it yourself sandwich brunch party as a farewel to iki's
dear classmate, Kaho.

Again, life is just about hello and goodbye. Wish you the best in Jakarta.......


Last Thursday I went to Miraikan (science and innovation museum) in
odaiba with iki and my friend Tomomi and her kids.

Iki was amazed and fell in love with asimo ( the humanoid robot) and
all other scientific stuffs. He was really excited to see a real
moving robot and want to make one himself. He forgot that he wanted to
buy inline skate before and now he all he wants is his his own robot!