Saturday, April 23, 2005

Girls night

Such a great night last night!!!!!!

Nina is in town, so we [me and Vitria] had this small reunion with her. Spent the whole afternoon at TP: eating, shopping, drinking, shopping, drinking again, shopping again then eating again. We went out of TP because they turned off the lamp already [read: CLOSED sign].

Then the night just started. After changing shopping costumes into clubbing ones, we off to Desperados at about 23:00. Met Carla and Rina there. Tried to find good spot, but failed. Hiks....I only can see the cute bald guitarist from my seat. The band is nice, they chose the perfect songs, and they have a very good voice. As the music got hotter, our body started to moved, slowly but sure, crazily. We went to the dance floor, and there I found out....HOLYSHIT!!!! the vocalist is soooooooo handsome. Justin Timberlake wanna be, but the hell. He's just a real entertainer. And we did enjoyed the band very much.

I sweat a lot, I sang a lot till now I almost lost my voice, I got drunk and I laughed a lot. Everybody DID. Everybody satisfied. Everybody was happy. We left the place at 3:00 AM and never regret to pay that much for such a fun we got.

Since Hugo's opened, we always go there. So I didn't go to Desperados for about 6 months. Amongst all, for us Desperados is the best pub in Surabaya. The hell with people's negative opinion that it is a hooker center. We just couldn't find a place with greater music here!!

I work hard but I PLAY hard. It's how I enjoy my life. I know this won't last forever, THAT'S WHY I want to have this as much as possible [read: both WORK and FUN]. This would be the thing I will miss at the first place.


Mia said...

aaahh curang!!! pengen ikutaaann!!! *sedih* *zucht*

imoet said...

HEHEHEHE makanyaaa cepet lulus n cepet balik sini. Biar kita bisa dugem abis. FYI, itu band banyak nyanyiin lagu yg lumayan nge-rock loh. Anak2 sampe bilang: "waaa..lagunya Mia bangeeeeet" hihihi

SETUJU. Aku benci orang2 munafik!

The Diva said...

Kenapa tak ada yang mengajakku dugem padahal aku dua bulan di Indo kemarin???

Hiks hiks... tapi ortuku juga mau dikemanain yah... jangankan PEGI jam 11 malem, pulang jam segitu ae HP wes mau pingsan bunyi terus kok... wah memang payah nasib anak yang bukan kos-kosan... hehehe.

The Diva said...

Kenapa tak ada yang mengajakku dugem padahal aku dua bulan di Indo kemarin???

Hiks hiks... tapi ortuku juga mau dikemanain yah... jangankan PEGI jam 11 malem, pulang jam segitu ae HP wes mau pingsan bunyi terus kok... wah memang payah nasib anak yang bukan kos-kosan... hehehe.

imoet said...

Keciaaaan deh lu la!
Tapi kadang2 jadi anak kost itu juga gak enak. Iri liat anak2 sini yang masih dicariin mama nya. Yang bisa curhat ama mama nya tiap hari. Pulang kost gak ada masakan rumah. Paling cuma mie instant. Kamar berantakan juga gak ada yag marahin (pdhl kalo diomelin bete tuh hehehe).

Kesepian deeeeh.

Eniwei, laen kali kalo pulang n mau join dugem silahkan hohoho