Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Since I came to Incheon, I've visited two OBS-GYN hospitals. To talk to the doctors, and decide which one would be the best for delivering my baby. Previously, Hiro and his interpreter already visited several hospitals here, so they came up with two best ones for me to choose.

The first hospital I visited almost two weeks ago is supposed to be the best hospital according to Hiro. The staffs are kind, they can arrange any of our requests: have a VIP room where I can stay alone, give permission to my husband or my relatives to accompany me inside the labor room, can arrange a pre-natal exercise, and close to our apartment. The thing is, the doctor couldn't speak English well. He couldn't even tell us about date in English. Sad...sad. We like this hospital, but I feel somewhat uncomfortable with a doctor who speaks language I don't understand.

And so this morning we went to the other hospital that is well-known as the best OBS-GYN hospital in this city. Unfortunately there I can't have pre-natal exercise nor a privacy room on my own. The doctor speaks English fluently. The things is, she's kind of senior doctor who has her own rule and I can't say she has this comforting aura. Anyhow, she does speak English and that's important for us.
As usual, before laying down myself onto the USG table, I asked the doctor not to tell the baby's gender to Hiro. I thought it was fair enough since the father has the right to choose whether he wants to know the gender or not. BUT SHE TOLD HIM!!!! At first she told me in an implicit way: that the baby goes after the father. OK I can accept it, I knew Hiro won't understand that expression. BUT then she made it clear. Its a MALE. a BOY. Congratulations!!!!

We screamed. OH MY GOD!!! Why should she tell us?!
She said that it's a must in Korea. That it is illegal if the parents don't know the baby's gender. Things we couldn't understand logically. Damn. I was so down to see Hiro's dissapointed face. It was supposed to be a nice surprise later on!! (>_<)

Anyway.....in spite of that unexpected surprise, we're happy to see our baby. This time Hiro can already recongnize it. He can see the head, body, thigh, spine cord. Even we can see the face quite clearly. We can see the ear. We also can see the eyes and mouth, which were closed first but opened slowly later on. Dear God, the feeling was unexplainable. Look at the picture below. Can see the face? can see the big nose? - just like his father's hahaha. Hiro said he's like a monkey hahahaha....but he's my handsome boy (^_-).

My baby's face

mouth and eyes opened

How how how? Can you guys see that my baby is handsome?? huehuehuehe


Anonymous said...

WHOAAA!!! HIRO FINALLY FOUND OUT THROUGH SUCH STUPID WAY??? OOOOhhh, so sorry Hirooo... we've tried to hide it so well, but unfortunately Koreans are just as much illogically ridiculous as ever!! I suppose I'd rather go to the FIRST hospital, at least you could tell the interpreter not to tell Hiro the gender of your baby.

AND STILLLL... I don't understand whatsoever I'm looking at on that sonogram picture. I've zoomed them in and out, I've enlarged the pic, taken a distance from the screen to get better overview, but as I had been in my dad's office room in Surabaya when I see your uterus and as EVEEERRR... they're only black n white spots, no baby, no legs, let alone mouth and eyes!!

I think I'd find myself crying next time I'm expecting a baby... just like Rachel, I wouldn't be able to see my own baby! They really should start developin a better sonogram with CLOSE UP pics, colored 3-D, and AT LEAST 3.0 megapixel resolution!!!

Anonymous said...

dari dulu aku paling ga bisa mencerna foto ini ? bingung.. ini gambar madhep endhi toh ? yg mana matanya.. yg mana munlutnya.. yg mana pula idungnya pula... :(

Anonymous said...

i ga isa baca foto ini macam gini

Anonymous said...

Nah lo.. kepalanya yg kanan apa kiri sih? apa itu pas foto? atau seluruh badan? Duh bingung, mungkin kalo udah hamil yg kedua akhirnya mataku bisa lebih jeli ngeliat foto hitam semua kayak gitu... :P