Saturday, June 17, 2006

Learning photography

Another reason why I hardly can spend my time in front of my PC recently (besides taking care of attention-demanding IKI, houseworks and playing nintendo hehe).
I can't resist not to touch this new camera. Well, let's say that this is the first time I can play with this kind of camera. Back in my childhood time, my dad would blow up if I touched his camera.

It's not easy. Especially for a REAL beginner like me, with no one tutoring, and has less art sense :p. But I guess I'm doing this for fun. IKI is my object, and perhaps it was not a right decision since he can't stop moving. Yet I enjoy catching his expressions and smiles with my lense. I still haven't got the result yet for it's a film camera and I have to wait until we finish the whole roll.

I hope not to get bored until at least I can take photo as good as Carla? ;-) ( means that I adore your photography talent!)


Anonymous said...

Pantesan ngga tau ngeblog lagi!!

I was starting to feel lonely now that people seem to turn away from blogging world -- everyone seems to quit blogging, including me.

Btw... hehehe, lucu juga bayangin kamu blajar foto2... aku sih masih tetep lebih suka difoto daripada memfoto :))

Anonymous said...

Whooaa... welcome to the club, girl. You'll like it. Especially with Iki as a motivator, you won't get bored. Time goes fast and you HAVE TO capture his every progress!!!

Emang susah sih moto bayi. Yg pasti kalo there's enough light, kamu ga usah pake blitz. Biar cahayanya natural. Tapi kalo tetep goyang2, pake blitz aja biar aman.

Ella, aku belum quit blogging kok. Cuman tunggu akhir minggu aja biar lebih luang nih otak yg udah penuh tagihan2. hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

:D Good luck! :D