Friday, March 30, 2007

14 Sai no Haha

English translation: 14 Years Old Mother.

Is a Japanese drama I just finished watching last night. Was Japanese drama with highest rating throughout year 2006's drama. I watched the latest episode when I was in Japan last February, got really interested, and asked Hiro to download the full story. Of course no English subtitle, but I can understand!!!

This drama is about a 14 years old junior high school girl, Ichinose Miki, who got pregnant with her boyfriend, Kirino Satoshi (who's 15 years old). Miki was shocked, and so was her family. In addition, Satoshi's mother said bad things about Miki and tried to bring Satoshi out of Japan. A mother who wants to save her son's future.
Miki's family wanted Miki to have abortion. Besides to save Miki's future, also being pregnant in 14 years old age has a pretty high risk. And did Miki have the abortion? No...she couldn't. That pure Miki thought that if she (Miki) is a very important thing for her parents, then the baby inside her body will also be a very important thing for her. She fought for the baby. She insisted to continue her pregnancy and give birth to the baby. She was so stubborn and confident, but her character really swept my tears away.
Miki had to face a lot of consequences for her BRAVE decision, especially after a magazine's reporter found out about this and made the story top news throughout Japan. She was expelled from her school, she lost her bestfriend, her little brother also lost his friends, her father lost his position at the office. Not to mention other people's look everywhere she walked. This pregnancy also gave effect to Satoshi's family. Satoshi's mother lost her job, became almost crazy and tried to kill herself, Satoshi also got mocked by his friends at school. That family at last had to leave their big house and stayed at a very small and dirty apartment.

Society was Miki's enemy, but then at the end society gave her what she needed the most. Support.

She was so young but she could decide such an important thing for her life. She gave chance to that little creature in her body to grow up, be born and alive.

Being a mother, this drama made me think. What if my son did the same? what if I had a daughter and got pregnant at such a young age? How would I face the world? Would I support her?

Miki gave me the answer......(^__^)


Mee said...

aku pengeng liaaaatttt!!!
bajakane wes ada lom ya di ina? aku cari ahhhh.... *ngikutin idenya pre-chan*

jepang tuh emang gitu banget ya, kalo ada skandal kecil aja dah bisa ngancurin segalanya, emang kehidupan di jepang sangat merhatiin komentar orang sekitar sih, jadi kalo punya masalah yg kira2 ngundang perhatian gitu mereka simpen dalem2. orang jepang kebanyakan karakternya ya kaya di drama2 mereka itu. tapi kalo bisa cuek ya cuek aja menurutku. toh banyak juga orang2 jepang yg cuek to? :)

tapi asli aku mo cari dvd drama itu di ina!

imoet said...

coba aja cari mee. aku gak tau sih sekarang popularitas dorama jepang di indonesia gimana. waktu aku masih di surabaya terakhir yang ada ya banyakan korean drama.....angel bek e mau mbajak dvd jepang. regionnya kan beda :p

aku donlot kok mee :p. wes....sepuasnya.

wahhhh kamu pasti ngiri kalo tau dorama apa yang lagi kita lihat dirumah. drama dengan rating tertinggi sepanjang sejarah dorama jepang: HANA YORI DANGO terbaru!!!! lucuuuu and kakkoiiiiii

Anonymous said...

dilema ortu.. tiap orang pasti pernah berbuat salah ya.. kalo anak kita yg susah, siapa lagi yg mau bantu kalo ortunya... kasian kan.. *thinking mode on*

btw, aku dicap super mom ngono gak penak lah.. wong aku jauh bianget dari yg namanya super.. malah menurutku kamu lebih super drpd aku Sierly :)