Monday, November 26, 2007

Manicure - pedicure

This morning I left Iki at home with Hiro again. This time I went to nail salon at the same building with the big grocery store we usually go on weekends. It was almost a year ago when I had my last pedicure, so I could understand the woman's shocked face when she saw the 'dirt' she must work with.

I also had my hands done. Felt relax and prettier afterwards :p.

I actually want to have my own manicure and pedicure at home, but I don't have much free time. In addition, the final result is always not satisfying. I don't understand why I couldn't clean the dead skin from me feet completely as what they usually do at nail salon.

Does any of you know about manicure and pedicure by your own at home?


The Diva said...

WAAAHHH ENAKNYAAAAAAAAA, sempet mani-pedi... kamu koyok Tante-Tante mall ae, hahahaha ke salon ngurus kuku.

Hmmm, to be honest, I have never done such things in a beauty salon before... is it good?
Dead skin... never knew how to deal with it cos I don't think I have a lot, even if I do, I don't quite care, hehehehe.

aku mani-pedi sendiri, Mut. Using my own nail polish, Mom's tips. I am more satisfied with the results, to be honest, cos my fingers are "gundek" and weird, hahahahaha.
Belakangan makin males kutekan gara2 winter, fullday of gloves and socks, halah... ngga bisa punya kuku bagus...

Eh tapi punyamu hasilnya bagus juga, I LOVE the colors!!!

Hmmm... how much do you think it will cost in Germany?

Carla Chanliau said...

Aku yg paling parah be'e. ga pernah ngurusin tangan ato kaki babar blas. lotion aja ga bakal ngoles kalo ga abis cuci2 (cuci baju yg tradisional itu loh! ucek2! hehehehe) tanganku mesti ngelupas kulitnya kalo kena deterjen. sebel.

i think i need to have that meni pedi too.

LadyNoor said...

aku di jakarta kemarin sampe tiga kali meni pedi! hehe... selain murah meriah juga ameera banyak yg jagain, jadi ga terburu2 gitu... pulang berikutnya mau nyempetin ke spa ah... hihihi, gaya deh :p

moet, do you know why i can't open sheila's blog? has it been deleted?

imoet said...

asem!! julukanmu kok tante2 mall ngono b-(
hmmmm tapi aku sekarang kan emang tante2
yesss it feels soooo good. sekarang aku menghabiskan 80% hidupku didapur la, jadi kulit tangan ama kakiku gak karu2an semua :p
aku mestiii gagal polish my right hand fingers. kalo jari tangan kiri yang nge-cat kan tangan kanan, jadi gampang. sebaliknya mesti ancur2an deh!!

dibali kan banyak yang muraaaaah!!!! sana coba, manjakan jari jemarimu itu :p

hiiiih iya, di indonesia murah. sayang kapan hari dimanado aku tinggalnya jauh dari kota jadi gak ada meni pedi. cih!
sheila's blog ganti url loh...dan bukanya harus lewat invitation dari dia. kamu dapet gak?? aku lihat di cc-an email sheila juga ada emailmu kok :)