Kimchi is Korean traditional fermented side dish served almost everywhere here in Korea. If as an Indonesian chili sauce is a perfect match for white rice, then for Korean it's Kimchi. There are many kinds of kimchi, and in fact not all Kimchi are spicy as what the world imagine as they heard the word.
Anyway these are type of Kimchi I like the most:
These Kimchi are the most common one, could be found at almost every restaurant. I like the fresh one and those are served at Seolongtan restaurant nearby our apartment are my favourite.
One fact about Kimchi I figured out when I was in Korea already was that the Kimchi served on our table could be some leftover from the previous customers, and the restaurant will also serve our leftover Kimchi to the next customers. And people do not use special spoon or chopstick to take Kimchi from the small saucers. It's the same chopsticks they use for eating (@_@). "Sharing" is one of Korean's important motto.
The Kimchi at that restaurants taste good anyway, so I kept eating it. Hey....if you live in Roma, live like Romans do. I live in Korea so I have to follow at least some of Korean customs :p.
But we're guarded by Hepatitis B injections for safety reason :p
YEKKKKKKKKKK MUUUTTT, jadi nek makan Kimchi di restoran Korea, makan cicak-e orang??? Hiyahhhhhhh jorokkkk...
Nggak lah, mesio aku sak suka-suka ne rasane nggak kolu makan, hahahaha.
And especially if I don't like the food, like kimchi... wahhh nek kata orang Cina "kamsia ya..."
hahaha.. aku ya ga kolu makan tipake orang. tapi inget dulu aku pernah bangkrut berat tp masih pengen minum di bar (bir di jakarta mahal2 banget seh!). jadi sama teman travelku (marc) kita ngumpulin bir2 bekas orang2 trus dituang di gelas kita sendiri. jadi penuh lageeee! wakaakakaka.
i love kimchi also....
huaah enak ada sambel ya pake kimchi.
tau gmn cara bikinnya??
chinese cabbage disini lg murah2nya.hehehe
wes, merem ae anggap gak tau :p.
at first I didn't believe it. but then I saw it myself when the waiter give the leftover kimchi from our table to the new customer. shock :p
heh?!?!?!?! kalian emang gila!! :))
hehe tapi aku makan kimchi cuma direstoran kok nov....nek dirumah mending nyambel dewe :))
hmm dulu pernah diajarin bikin, tapi lupaaaa.....lah hiro gak suka, dan bau. jadi aku ya gak bikin di rumah
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