So let me introduce you to my new kitchen. Where I may spend more than 50% of my life at.
We stay at Hiro's company's apartment complex. There is one dorm and about 5 apartment buildings here. There's a gym, but could only be used by the wives during weekdays from 9-5, which is impossible for me to enter with Iki. There's also one kindergarten inside, located right in front of our building, but Iki couldn't enter it before he's three y/o. There are a lot of children living here, so I think Iki is starting his social life step by step (and so I am!). Everyday I meet the wives and we have pretty formal small talks. In contrast to Korean, Japanese are "bit afraid" of foreigner. We have to give good impression to each other too. One's husband could be the manager or supervisor, or director :))
So far I like our new life here. Within a month I already could feel that this is a very nice home. And after we got all our stuffs last Saturday I fall in love even more with this place :p. Iki also got used to this new home quickly.
Too bad, this new home is AGAIN just a temporary home. Hiro MIGHT be sent abroad again around March. Where? still company's secret :p
Waaa haappy happy .... akhirnya barang2mu dtg. Hahaha kebayang unpacking..ngatur2 rumah duh. Aku aja bbrp brg ga sempet deh ngatur2 lg.
Temporary again????? Hah..better you stay here laa. Hopefully, I can visit you before you move again...huhuhu.
Yep...enakan lah tinggal di jepun, playgroup emang start umur 3th. Gpp, bawa aja deh ke tmp itu ada sih tmp perkumpulan anak2 klo di tempatku namanya kita jidokan. Tp jarang jg aku bawa kesana hahaha. Lazy to speak speak with others. Cannot bahasanya nih hihihi.
So happy to hear that you guys are settling in very well...
Don't worry, they say 'home is where the heart is'.. So as long as you three are together, that what matters :)
PS: Is your computer actually 'in' the kitchen? Cyber-Mom!
tupun gak semua dibongkar hihihi. Yang kira2 dibutuhkan buat summer ditumpuk rapi di ruang kerjanya Hiro :p. Lah...mari gini pindah lagi lak sesek ngepak2
Tinggal disini berdua tok ama Iki yo stress, Nov! :p
. Ndang cepet balik sini trus main kerumahku hehehe
Dihalaman depan gedung apartemenku ya wes nek siang gitu isine ibuk2 ngerumpi sambil nemenin anak2 mainan. Aku jarang2 gabung. Yo ngono....bahasa jepangku pas pas-an :p.
Thanks :p.
Very nice statement. Abis baca itu rasanya I don't mind pindahan sebulan sekali asal semuanya tinggal bareng
re:PS: hehe iya....selalu ada didapur. lah sambil masak butuh buat ngeliat resep hehehe
lah Ly dah mau pindahan lagi?
padahal mungkin agustus aku bisa main ke Tokyo loh...
smoga bisa ketemu dong :)
btw smsku dari hp masuk ga?
kok ga da balesan???
Rumah barumu bagus juga... hahaha aku wes tau, pancet ae komputermu taruh di dapur. Jadi inget2 dulu chatting pake webcam sama kamu di Korea, background webcam mu PASTI dapur, hahahahaha.
Yeah,thats true... home is, where the heart is.
Duh moga2 kalo nanti dipindah, bakalan bertiga terus ya Mut... :-)
Dan semoga setelah ini dipindah yang deket2 Europe aja... biar aku bisa nyambangi, hehe
Masih MUNGKIN kok, mee...!!
Wah jadinya keterima dimana???? aduuh pengen ketemu kamu disini deh
Iya aku dapet smsmu, aku bales kok!! gak dapet kah?
hehe thanks :p. abis pindah, kita kayaknya ya balik tinggal di apartemen area ini kalo tinggal di Jepang
Aminnn...!! moga2 bisa bareng terus. Tapi kayaknya abis ini JauuuuuH dari europe deh
WHAT?? in march????
won;t that be a bit TOO soon??? I mean, few days ago after i got home from dubai, I was bitching with all the unpacking I have to do (and i live with maids and stuffs)
but to pack and unpack the whole house within three months??? hhhh...thumbs up for you!
yah inilah nasibku :))
aku denger itu aja kapan hari sampe lemes. lah barusaaan selesai unpacking!
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