Iki's grandparents picked him up in the morning, so we started at about 11 o'clock. We went to Roponggi Hill first, had some windows shopping and lunch there. Surprisingly there were not many people on Sunday in Tokyo. It's now Obon holiday so most people go to their hometowns.
This was my lunch. My fave Carbonara spaghetti. It was good!!
Then we went to Roponggi Midtown, a very fashionable shopping center in Tokyo. There I fell in love with this bag. It has a unique shape - and I always love the unusual goodies!!
The rope can be extended, and voila!! Suitable for a fashionable mom who likes to go around - either for shopping or traveling :p. An all-in-one unique bag.
But that thing is for damn 63,000 JPY = about 630 USD.... (_ _o). My heart was broken when I saw the price tag....(though Aki-chan said cheerfully: hey...but you will have to pay 100,000 JPY = about 1000 USD for a small Louis Vuitton bag, and almost everyone in Tokyo is bringing it around!!! - pasaran gitu lohh)
Moreover, I'm moving to a small town in Indonesia that I won't need such an expensive bag (sadly...). But again Aki-chan said: Oh come on...you have to stay 'fashionable' wherever you live. Just be yourself!!.
Damn, she really made me 'on fire'!
Oh yeahhh....I do fall in love that I couldn't let that damn bag out of my mind (T_T). But it is damn expensive and I just DON'T need it. Anyway I had a picture of myself bringing it, and that's enough for a sweet memory with a bag hahahaha. I think I will buy a sewing machine and try to make a similar bag for myself later on :)). You know...woman and her weakness towards 'pretty goodies' :p. I definitely will forget it as soon as I have another day out and see another pretty bags hahaha.
The most important is that I had so much fun today. Aki-chan is a great shopping partner :p. Time run fast, and surprisingly we spent like 6 hours in Roponggi today. We visited Na Young on our way home too. Poor Kenshin was very weak (and very HOT). Waiting forward for our next "single day out".
Next destination: GINZA.
Papa-chan, be ready to see my credit card bill :p
Ide bagus tow, buat ndiri aja hehe
Emang sih yg namanya perempan kalo liat barang (tas sepatu busana) pasti "maker" (mata keranjang) :D
masa'alah muuuttt!! lengenmu gedhe'ne!! :O
Emang unique itu tas, Moet... Tapi kalo spend USD600 just for 1 bag I think it's a bit much as well :(
Cari knock-off nya aja Moet, sapa tau looks as good as the original dengan harga 1/6-nya :D
I'm starting to get jealous here, you seem having a great time being single and childless, so to speak, and shop around!!!!
hihihi tasnya bagusssss tapi ya ampun 630 USD??? Itu merk apa Mut???
Bahan nya dari kulit rusa tah?? Atau dari kulit manusia, makane lebih mahal??? Hihihi.
Ya udah, abis ini toh nggak diperlukan, kalo di desa pake tas kresek orang juga nggak liat, hihihi. Lagian aku belajar jadi nggak terlalu 'outstanding' sejak di Jerman. Lha unlike Surabaya yang serba glamour, di Jerman org2 dandannya nyantai, aku pake makeup atau asesoris terlalu glittery juga diketawain orang kyk badut.
Go with the flow...
Btw Pre-chan jahateeee, lengenmu dibilang gedhe, lak lengenku lak KENTOL GAJAH nek dibandingno lengenmu, huahahahahahahaha...
Oh iya, spaghetti carbonara- nya terlihat beda banget sama yang kumakan di resto Italia ya? Hihihii..
Loh kamu bakalan ke kota kecil dimana di Indo???
Nice bag, but I wouldn't pay that much for it... :D
foto ae tas'e ci, ntar dibikinin di tanggulangin, dijamin persis dengan harga terjangkau :))
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