Thursday, October 16, 2008


We found this playground about 10 minutes walking from our house. Iki was really really excited and jumped out of his stroller when he saw it. There was a written rule that the kids must not wearing any sandals or shoes, and it amazed me to see them ALL following the rule :p.
But it surprised me more to see how dirty the playing ground was. There were LOTS of shits all over the place!! Either from the cats or goats or cows or whatever animals 'playing' there too. One mother I met there said that the playing ground at the other INCO's housing complexes are well maintained, but unfortunatelly not ours :(.
Iki was still frustrated there, but started to play when i cleaned up a bit his playing area. There were some school boys playing hide and seek, and I can't help not to laugh out loud to hear them playing: "hom pim pa halahium gambreng!" hahaha. Reminded me of my almost forgotten childhood :).
What an interesting morning :)


Benny Suryanto said...

Huahahaha...Iki udah bisa hom pim pa...
Lumayan lah ada playground e.
Hmmm...buat sendiri aja Mut hihihi, minta Hiro beliin papan seluncur, kolam renang dari plastik hihihi.

Di rumahku Jogja ajah ga ada playground gitu dah, nek main gitu mesti ke tempat taman bermain nih, atau disekolahin dulu ke playgroup hihihi.

Benny Suryanto said...

* eh koreksi...
Maksudku Iki sudah bisa hom pim pa belum?....hehehehe.

The Diva said...

hahahah ntar lama2 Iki juga ikut main kotor2an kok Mut...

anak kecil harus berani kotor biar antibodi nya kuat... hihihi

tapi aku ya blom pernah naik ojek lho. Kalah sama iki.

Anonymous said...

OMG, anakmu wis gede ya... :) Umur berapa sekarang? Baru tadi ke kawinannya Eva, Pratu bilang kamu dah balik ke Indo.