start on January 28, next year. *YAY*
The admission process is not difficult, but it did take time. They have
to go through Iki's documents to find if Iki is eligible or not for the
international school. Only KITAS holder could enter it, and once INCO's
expatriate administration approved Iki's documents, we could arrange
meeting with the principal.
The introduction meeting was at a bar named Wet Monyet LOL. Every
wednesday the expats in this small town gather there for a theme dinner
and drinking together. I was already drunk when we were introduced to
the principal hahaha.
And yesterday we were invited to the school. They explained everything
about the school and the program, and I found it really good. I could
see the teaching materials and had a talk with Iki's teacher about
their teaching goals and methods. I was a teacher so I'd like to know
about those information too ;-). Iki loved the place. Ehm, of course
because there are lots of toys there haha! But I think he would be
alright there. He already knew his classmates too before and didn't get
problem getting along with them. I feel confident with the school, the
teacher, and everything. Anyway, this international school is surely
the best pre-school in town (^_^).
bagus Moet, Iki chan bakal punya banyak temen lagi. Wah, nanti balik ke jepun Iki bakal cas cis cus ngomong English dong. Hehe.
mail address ku:
That's great!
Sekolahan sekarang ya, belom TK dokumen2 udah harus lengkap. Aku ini udah bolak-balik minta copy imunisasi history-lah, apalah. Semua itu service gratis sih, tapi puegel yg namanya ngurus dokumen!
It's looking good for Iki, I'm sure he'll have a good time. Btw, Moet, berapa hari seminggu? Kalo tiap hari does it mean you'll have time for the second baby? Hahahaha! Just joking, ignore my nosy, last question :D
Hmmm... I think it should have been "... my last and nosy question"...??
baguslah Iki dah mau cekolah. Hahahaha udah gede yaaaa.
Mut mana kok nggak ada foto seh, sekarang nge blog TERGANTUNG CUACA ya? Kok nggak pake foto, jarang2 pula.
International pre school itu guru2nya orang mana Mut? Heran ya di desa kecil itu penuh expat dan fasilitas... padahal aku gak pernah denger nama desanya lho, hihihi.
Emang perlu dokumen2 apa ya.
Kok nek sekolah di Jogja ndak perlu dokumen macem2 ya.
ataw kali aku kan cmn sementara ya:P.
Tapi dari syarate juga ndak sampai macem2 mbu juga yo.
Tapi aku mumet juga ini sekelas pas gak ada temen sebaya, cuman satu Kiyo tok jadi gurune isa nangani.
Tp ya gitu asyik main, tp trs inget aku, nyari aku nangis.
Payah ditinggal gak isa, jadine gurune malah bilang aku srh nunggu diluar. Mungkin wes bingung mau diapain lg ya Kiyo ini huehuehueheueh.
Pegel rek.
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