Monday, January 12, 2009

Japanese Dinner Party

Last Saturday we invited some friends to come for a Japanese dinner at our place. At first I only planned a small party, but at the end we invited 10 people!! We don't have enough plates so Hiro had to borrow some from his company, and I had to buy some more fork just in case some of them couldn't use chopsticks haha.

We prepared Takoyaki, Tenpura, Temakizushi, Inarizushi, Kinpira, Umekyuri, Chikuwa and cheese, Soft Tofu, and Chawan Mushi. Everyone enjoyed the meal, thank God. I cooked the tenpura almost all the time with some help from Nira so that I could have dinner too. It was our first time to invite such amount of people coming over to our place so I was really panic. Japanese food must be served fresh and hot so it was kind of hectic. Luckily Iki was busy playing with some guests that he didn't disturb me. I was really glad that finally I could made it. Hopefully we could do better for the next dinner(s) ;-)

Iki and I wore Yukata at that night. Which impressed the guests LOL

I was exhausted at the end of the day. I couldn't remember how many hours did I stand to prepare and cook all the food. But I was really satisfied (^___^)


Mamisinga said...

wawww yukata nya cantik mbak!!

Kitchen Planet said...

Mut kpn ol?
Met taon baru untuk Kel. Kondo :)

The Diva said...

waaaaaaaa yukatanya cantikkk (aku nggak tau kamu punya yukata... punya berapa set???)

mutmut kamu tambah "tanned" (nggak berani bilang item, hihihi) tapi cantik seger kokkkk, Indo does you good. Tapi tampangmu kok kesel gitu Mut, hahaha masak terus nihyeeee...
Ampun deh.

Btw itu dinner terlihat menyenangkannnn... pingin nyoba masakanmu kapan2 (jadi nggak usah ke Resto Jepang lagi)

Btw Mut, kapan rencana ke Sby atau Bali? Feb / March?? (aku pulang lhoo)

Vivi said...

Moet...gimana caranya masak Cawan Mushi??

kasih tau yaaa....

Mbak'e said...

Akhirnya ada photomu juga, Moet. Lama gak lihat photomu. Di Indonesia tetep ae ayu, tetep langsing... Kangen rek.

imoet said...

yukatanya ato akunya?!

met taun baru juga yun. baru dapat internet cable kok. pasti nanti sering ol lagi

again, yukatanya ato akunya?? itu dikasih mama mertua. masih ada satu lagi hehe
huuu huuuu tuh kan jadi item. cant help it hihihi, lah gimana lagi. wong tinggal di negara tropis
he eh, pengen ngundang kamu juga. buat ngebuktiiin ke martin kalo makanan jepang itu juga edible, bukan mentah2an doang!
Hiro mungkin dapat libur march. We might go to bali! I'll email u about this ;-).

resepnya ada disinil

mbak maria,
haduhh mbakkk....terharu aku. makasiiiiih :)) *dibilang ayu euyyy*