I decided that at least once a week, Wednesday, I will make something productive. Not only doing exercise, chatting and browsing the internet!
So this was what I made on my first 'free' Wednesday. Tissue box cover. It was very easy, and I could finish it just before it was time to pick Iki up at school!
Special thanks for Tomomi who sent me the fabrics and instructions!!
Hahaha mulai jahit menjahit nih yeee. Koyok ibu2 ae Mut, hihihi.
Btw yak apa liburan Bali mu udah FIXED tah???
Kamu pasti dateng tgl 4 tah??? Gak isa dimajuin??? kalo kamu isa dateng tgl 2 atau 3 kan keren. Tgl 2 sore itu aku udah mendarat di Dps, tgl 3 rafting tapi sore nya kan bisa jalan2 lagi... gak isa berangkat awal tah???
Miss you, can hardly wait!!!
Whoo hoo... Berkarya terus ibu satu ini, nanti kirim2 yah ke sini :p
Wah, Iki udah sekolah 3 hari seminggu? I missed out so much for not visiting blogs for more than a month!
Pancene ibu-ibu yo. :D Aku nitip bikinin celemek, Shier!
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