Thursday, April 01, 2010

Owakarei (Sayonara party??)

Schools in Japan usually have, kind of farewell ceremony, by the end of the school year: March. It's to say goodbye to the highest grade level kids who will graduate. Not a graduation ceremony, it is held also few days after that, and usually in a very formal ceremony.

This is Iki's first owakarei, me too. Mothers are all invited to come eventhough they have smaller kids or babies. At first the teacher introduces each kid in every class, and then there would be performances and games from the students. At least, it was how it worked at Iki's school.

This is when the teacher introduced Iki's class. Where is Iki? look at the smallest boy showing his back to the audience!! I almost forgot that Iki's shy until I saw that!!!! Iki was so surprised when he entered the hall and saw mothers. I guessed then he got nervous.

But then he looked at my shocked and disappointed face. He did better when his class performed an operette. He was not as "loud" as his other friends, but he did his part.

We also had farewell party afterwards to two of Iki's classmates. Two families are moving out of the company apartment.

There I also realized, that Iki has not settled down yet in his school. He didn't play with his friends at all there. I found out later on during Teacher-Mother personal meeting that Iki doesn't play with his classmates at school. Only older kids. Oh well....


Benny Suryanto said...

Masih mending lah mau maju, kalow Kiyo aku wes dag dig dug tok, mesti ndak mau nek disuruh maju, masih sekarepe dewe...piuuh

imoet said...

hehe bener kamu nov. masih mending dia mau maju :))