Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sichi Go San (7-5-3)

Sichi Go San is one of Japan's important festival to celebrate the children's growth at the age of three (boys and girls), five (for boys), and seven (for girls). The festival itself actually is on November fifteen, but now parents can choose whatever date around November and early December to celebrate it.
Iki will turn 5 next month so we decided to celebrate his Sichi Go San this year. We don't know when will we be next Autumn and his grandparents really wanted to make it this year. So we had it last Sunday on November 14.

The festival have started from Heian Period (794-1185, when the Nobles celebrate their children growth in November. Now every parents can celebrate this festival to their children, by visiting the shrines and have prayers through small ceremonies by the priest. Don't you think that those priests are so young??

We went to a shrine nearby Iki's grandparents' house. Where Hiro also had his Sichi Go San festival when he was a little boy. At first I had no clue what is the difference between shrine and temple. It's the red gate. Shrine has this red gate!

It was believed that at the age of three children can start growing their hair, at the age of five the boys can wear hakama (Traditional cloth for boys) for the first time, and at the age of seven the girls can wear obi around the kimono for the first time. Parents and grandparents also dressed formally to visit the shrines. Most mothers wear Kimono but nowadays a lot of families just wear formal western style clothing, also the children celebrating the Sichi Go San. I guess it is more comfortable than the traditional clothes and less pricey! Iki wanted to take the hakama off already after three minutes he was dressed, and those hakama and kimono renting costed a fortune!!! trust me, it was a thousand dollar festival. Thanks God, we only have one boy. Girls would definitely cost more hahaha

After the ceremony Iki got a bag with chitose ame (thousand years candy), omamori (lucky charm) and a small sichi go san cup. The candy is in long stick shape and all came in a paper bag illustrated with turtle and cranes as a symbol of long live.

Iki's grandmother cooked Sekihan (red bean rice) to celebrate it, and we had a photo session in a studio too

Iki-chan sayang, Sichi Go San omedetou! (^___^)


Carla Chanliau said...

Iki is soooo cute! And you looked pretty yourself, momma.

LadyNoor said...

You look gorgeous Mut, a very nice family photo indeed... Iki's very cute, can't believe they'll be five soon... (I mean Iki & Ameera).. And looking good Hiro!

Ps: When priests, police officers, doctors, teachers and so on starting to look young it means we're getting old - at least that's the way I see it :p

imoet said...

tante carla, thank you *big big grin*
intan: yeah they will be five soon, how time flies!!

ps: oh god no!! unfortunately now i realized that you're completely right....!!

The Diva said...

OH MY GOD I missed this post, the family pic looks SUPER gorgeous, and you are stunning in Kimono, Imoet. Hiro and Iki look handsome too, oh gooodd he's FIVE!!!!!!!!!

ehmmm talk bout being OLD. I'm not yet even starting and I'm dreading the moment I have a child...

imoet said...

thank you la!!!
yeah he will be five. SOON. arghh my grown up baby!

hey girl. you'll enjoy it when the time comes. definitely!