So at last I made my own Tempe, million thanks to nova!!
It's actually not difficult to make, but takes time and a lot of patience. Especially during this peeling the beans' skins process!!
Then it takes about 36 hours of patience
But here it is :)
So my lunch was this super spicy Tempe penyet. Ahhhh life is beautiful
It's actually not difficult to make, but takes time and a lot of patience. Especially during this peeling the beans' skins process!!
Then it takes about 36 hours of patience
But here it is :)
So my lunch was this super spicy Tempe penyet. Ahhhh life is beautiful
moet, ragine pake ragi opo?
Dikasih temenku mee ;-)
Dia bilang, Tempe jadi yang dikeringin trus diblender juga bisa jadi ragi. Aku belum nyoba sih.....
walah soro lak'an nyarinya...
kalo masih inget merk'e kasih tau plz
hiehhhh bikin tempe sendiri. ntar kalo aku sudah ciao dari indo, baru aku minta resepnya yaa. :D sekarang beli aja dulu 1000rp.
Mutt.. kok gak update lagi.. miss u
hebat shier, home-made tempe. Memang kok ya, kalo tinggal di kota/negara yang susah and mahal untuk dapet makanan khas indo..bikin kita jadi usaha masak and bikin sendiri. Salut deh! By the way, stuju ma carla, selama di indo, bisa beli dengan harga murah di pasar, aku beli aja deh:D
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