Thursday, September 28, 2006

Chusok Holiday

Long holiday is coming in Korea. The whole next week will be holiday.
The supermarkets already display the holiday greeting packages, all wrapped beautifully. Reminds me the Lebaran dan Christmas greeting packages in Indonesia. Han Boks (Korean traditional cloth) are also everywhere. It seems that during that long holiday, lots of people will wear Han Bok during family visit and reunion.
We bought one for Iki. For a memory of staying in Korea. Still a lot too big for him tough :p

How do the Koreans spend their long vacation? Well, I'm not sure. They probably will visit family and friends. I thought the overseas tickets would be sold out, but we could get ticket to Japan pretty easy. Till then Hiro told me that he read in Korean newspaper that all the plastic surgery clinics are fully booked in holiday season. is that how many of them spend their long vacation? Shaping their nose, eyes, or any other parts of their bodies? :p *interesting*

And how would we spend our holiday?
We're off to Japan this Saturday. Already make a long to-do and shopping list. Will make our holiday busy shopping, eating delicious food, and meeting some friends. Ah....going away from routine. How I'm waiting forward to it (^_^)


Anonymous said...

huahuaahahahaha, its funny, met kenal bu, itu baby cakep bgt yah?

Anonymous said...

Mutttt... kangen ama kamu ama Iki... aku kasih komen disini semua yah?! :D
Topik social life..
Aku dulu ya gitu mut... gak kenal siapa2 cuman keluarganya Markus tok, trus sejak ketemu ama student Indo di sini, baru mulai nambah kenalan... plus dari Friendster... ternyata Internet juga berperan penting buat kehidupan sosialku :)
Hahahahahaa.... 3 MILIMETER!!! PINGSAN??!!!
Waahahahahhaa :P
Mut.. ati2 kalo makan peach... kadang2 ada uletnya loh didalam deket bijinya *kekekekek* :P

Anonymous said...

aawww!! iki-chan tambah lama tmbah cakep yah. mut kapan k sby? pingin ngesun iki. muach.. muach.. guemesh..

Anonymous said...

dia lebih mirip hiro ato kamu ya shier?

imoet said...

Koreans were racist towards me. They said that I was just "an Asian" woman. hahaha like where exactly is Korea?!
Oh...I AM beautiful :p. And I don't need any operations like many Korean women do hohoho