Wednesday, September 20, 2006

No social life

I just realised, I don't have any social life now.

My life here is about Iki, Hiro, and never ending households.
I tried to make friends with some people here, but mostly ended up with their pushy attitude asking me going to their churchs (and they are pretty aggresive!!). I did had a quite intense relationship with my neighbour (we did hang out for several times), but then both felt tired because of this language problem. Then she stopped coming by, and so did I. We still met by accident for few times, but the conversation goes no further than a short small talk.

It also happens to my virtual worlds. Since my free time is different with my friends', I lost the chance to chat with them. Say Yunita, Ella, Valens, Mariza, Pei. Finding 5 minutes chatting time is so hard now. I did miss the time to share and laugh with them, though virtually, through yahoo messenger.

At first I thought that I am OK. It's hard to spare my busy time for making friends, for sometimes I felt that I need more that 24 hours to finish all my work. But now I realised, am not OK. I'm a social person.

I remember when I was still single, my life was sooo surrounded by lots of friends. I spent 90% my time with my friends. In the office, boarding house, shopping mall, cafe, pub. I rarely went anywhere alone (except during my travelling time).

Hey it doesn't mean that I regret my moving here hahaha, I just miss my friends. Where are you, guys? Am I forgotten already? :p

Now my bestfriends, my sharing partners, my laughing partners, and my crying partners are only Iki and Hiro. I am now living in this tiny circled world in this Woosung APT.

And what do you think would help me?
So far only 1 thing came to my mind, and for that I got my phone bill raised this month :p
Any other idea?


Anonymous said...

hiks, jadi sedih baca postinganmu ini...
aku ya sepi kamu pergi coz skg jadi jarang jalan begitu kamu ga ada
kangen main2 ma kamu lagi :'(

tapi gpp elly! kamu inget riyo iwasawa kan? sing sering main ke kamarmu dulu
mungkin kamu bs niru caranya dg bondo nekat cari temen masiyo ga bisa ngobrol2 dg lancar. ok? :)

Anonymous said...

semua kan ada porsinya masing2 toh 'ci... mungkin sekarang ya saatnya elu jagain iki, mungkin kalo dia udah gedhe ato dah sekolah kehidupan sosialmu isa balik lagi, mbuh lewat acara arisan tah kursus tah apa.... *emang ada ya arisan disana ? kekeke*

Anonymous said...

duh. bisa ngebayang nih menakutkannya (dan menyenangkannya) marriage life. bener katanya valens, shier. kamu pake bahasa tarzan aja. coba cari teman cowok, mereka lebih pengertian be'e.

Anonymous said...

During the first few years in Spain,
I felt exactly the same as you.
I was a working mother in Japan,
and had a very busy, but happy time.
But, when I moved to Spain, I did not have a working permitt, but a house maid instead.
I had plenty of time, without a friend.
(At that time there was no Internet in whole world.)

Then, Internet with a WINDOWS 95 machine came to my house.
It was , really , a WINDOW to my Japanese Friend.
It was miracle!
I had chatting time with my friends once a week. (At night in Japan=at afternoon in Spain)

Then, I decided to go to University to learn Spanish.
And there, I've got many foreign friends.
And when I came to speak Spanish fluently, I decided to go to some interesting classes, such as Spanish Cooking Class, Flamenco Dancing School,
Spanish Tile Art School, and so on.
In those classes, I've got many friends, which are natives and some are not.

Don't you have any such kind of international society in your city?

Anonymous said...


Anytime you need a friend, just e-mail me and I'll try my best to be there for you, even though only in ym or msn...

I know how lonely it can be without the friends you love around... :) but at least you have Hiro beside you... :)

Hope this helps...

Anonymous said...

Marriage IS scary, Carla... but it has it's beauty of its own, depends on how you manage to get through with it.

Hmm... aku bisa bayangin ngga punya social life seperti itu... trust me, I've been there, I've done that. Living in a complete foreign country and a complete foreign language, I'm all about it and I'm totally experiencing it!

Kalo kataku sih, coba kamu cari komunitas orang Indonesia di Incheon, kurasa pasti ada... orang Indo hampir ada dimana2 kok... Erfurt yang seuprit ini aja ada sedikit orang Indo yang terdampar. Mungkin kamu juga bisa cari international programs (di Erfurt ada international stammtisch -- seperti perkumpulan tiap bulan berbentuk arisan, dimana orang datang ke satu resto / cafe tertentu, ngobrol2 sambil minum dan ngalor ngidul kenalan dari berbagai bangsa).

Kurasa kalau gaul dengan sesama perantau (orang2 international) lebih gampang dari segi bahasa (Inggris mereka pasti bisa dong) dan background (mereka juga tahu rasanya hidup di rantau).

Nanti pelan-pelan baru cari yang native Korean atau apalah.. nyusul aja.

Social life emang jadi terbatas banget dengan adanya marriage life, it's something we all need to deal with, tapi kamu masih tetap bisa usaha kok... jangan putus asa ya Mut. Sorry kalau aku ngga available all the time... I'll try to be online more often :-)
See you in YM!

Anonymous said...

Dear all,
thanks for the comments. I feel like indeed I have social life :p

I've tried. But mostly those who are interested to make friends with "an asian" like me, pushed me to go to their churches at the end. way lah. I've had my own religion. Once I said no, they stop contacting me :D

You're damn right. Maybe the time hasn't come yet. I still have a big responsibility, IKI. Perhaps in coming years when he goes to school, I can start having my social life again :p

Semua bahasa yang memungkinkan udah dipake kok la. Including body language. Didn't work. Temen cowok? Udah nikah susah la....kurang etis :p

Very interesting experience.
Unfortunately we live in small city.
And unfortunately again, even if those kind of classes are available, I can't bring Iki there :p
Well, really I do want to go to Korean school if possible. I like learning languages the correct way. But again, I have this little yet big responsibility. I can't leave him. Hmmm as i wrote to my friend, perhaps after Iki goes to school I can have my social life again? Now I have just to be patient? :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear all,
thanks for the comments. I feel like indeed I have social life :p

I've tried. But mostly those who are interested to make friends with "an asian" like me, pushed me to go to their churches at the end. way lah. I've had my own religion. Once I said no, they stop contacting me :D

You're damn right. Maybe the time hasn't come yet. I still have a big responsibility, IKI. Perhaps in coming years when he goes to school, I can start having my social life again :p

Semua bahasa yang memungkinkan udah dipake kok la. Including body language. Didn't work. Temen cowok? Udah nikah susah la....kurang etis :p

Very interesting experience.
Unfortunately we live in small city.
And unfortunately again, even if those kind of classes are available, I can't bring Iki there :p
Well, really I do want to go to Korean school if possible. I like learning languages the correct way. But again, I have this little yet big responsibility. I can't leave him. Hmmm as i wrote to my friend, perhaps after Iki goes to school I can have my social life again? Now I have just to be patient? :-)

Thanks. Aduh aku jadi terharu. Tapi mungkin waktu online kita bedakah? aku gak pernah bisa ketemu kamu online.. :(

Unfortunately, aku tinggal di kota industry. Kebanyakan orang indonesia yang tinggal disini TKI illegal. Aduh...aku dilarang bergaul la......

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Aduh aku jadi terharu. Tapi mungkin waktu online kita bedakah? aku gak pernah bisa ketemu kamu online.. :(

Unfortunately, aku tinggal di kota industry. Kebanyakan orang indonesia yang tinggal disini TKI illegal. Aduh...aku dilarang bergaul la......

Anonymous said...


If you want, we'll make a date... :D How's that?

I never know the time diff between Sydney and Korea... :D

Just e-mail me to let me know... anytime... :D

rizal said...

hi,salam kenal.........ak jg pusing mikirin marriage nh.soalnya ak pengen lanjutin kuliah....gmana yah?///