Today we went to Seoul. We started in the morning by renting a Jumbo taxi so that everyone could have a big space in the car, and enjoy the journey with a skilled driver. It was much more expensive than using normal taxi, but oh, trust me, I vomitted several times after taking taxi in Korea. They drive like a bemo driver in Surabaya :p
We had lunch soon after we arrived in Seoul. The famous Samgaetang (chicken ginseng soup) at a famous big restaurant nearby Gyengbokgung (one of Seoul's historical tourist attraction). Surprisingly there was a pretty long queue in front of the restaurant. Hiro was a bit complaining already, but I insisted to go in line since we don't have any more lunch option, and it was a very hot afternoon, and I was terribly hungry, and most important was I really wanted to eat that Samgaetang hihihi. The food wes superb as usual, and my parents in law enjoyed it as well. I was even more satisfied when we saw a very very very long queue in front of that restaurant after we finished eating. How lucky we were!
Then we went to Lotte Department. My parents in law wanted to buy some Korean food as souvenirs for their friends. And I used that chance to go to the DFS upstair. There I got my new baby, LOUIS VUITTON WALLET beibehhh!!!! From my parents in law and Hiro as my birthday present this year :p. How I can't wait for our next journey to Indonesia next month, since I could really get that "baby" at Duty Free counter at the airport right before departure!!
After finishing our business there we went to Nandaemun. It's a market selling many kinds of Korean souvenirs and fake branded goods. I bought some Korean souvenirs to bring to Indonesia, and I was really really satisfied with the price I got. I told Hiro not to talk in Japanese and sent my parents in law waiting for me pretty far. There as an Indonesian, and by speaking some Korean words, I could get much cheaper price :p. An Asian woman bought the same thing 1.5 times more expensive no matter how hard she tried to negotiate, and when I gave the seller "confusing" look, she said that I spoke really good Korean. Even better, she put some more free gifts into my plastic bag (might be to shut my mouth up hehehe). I almost forgot the satisfaction of getting a desired price when negotiating during shopping. Oh yeah, shopping orgasm beibehh hahaha
Again it was too hot and too crowded so everybody got tired easily. We decided to go home afterwards. It was only a 6 hours journey but all of us were almost out of battery. Anyway everyone seems enjoyed the journey. Especially ME hehehe (^____^)
haha! i think i've lost my skill in bargaining... haven't done it for sooo long :p
hello hello there
i heard sumone is going to Indo soon. why dont come to Bali and have bulan madu bali? to refresh the relationship and burn old flames.
i thought i lost it too. but seems that skill is in the blood (cewek gitu loohhh hehehe)
had bulan madu bali already :p
burn an old flame? with a naughty baby around? hahahar u kidding me? :p
Huaaaaaaaaaa sedihhh kalo beneran dari kulit koala, kan kasihan koalanyaaaa,hihihi.
Btw AKU JUGA MAU DOMPET itu, duhhh imutnyaaa, pingin soroooo, lagi pingin ganti dompet ngga punya duit padahal dompet Mango ku wes jebol, eh Hiro mau beliin nggak ya? Hihihihihihi.
Hmmm tawar menawar ya, mungkin mereka sakno liat modelmu Mut, wes item, ngomong Korea terpatah2, dikira bangsa TKW gitu makane dikasih murah, huahahahahahahahaha
why not? bulan madu itu hukumnya wajib bagi semua pasangan, baik yg sudah beranak ato blom.
ancik!!! hahahahaha
babahno dipikir TKW, yang penting dapat harga murah. wek!
iya, dompet merah itu memang bikin gak tahan lihatnya :p. aku udah kangen2 nih hehe
stop bikin promosi bulan madu balimu itu b-(
you coming to indo???? asyiiiikkk... now i can get iki's photo collection myself! oh, and u too of course. :D
kangen deh.
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