Thursday, July 05, 2007

Damn cough (>.<)

It's been more than a week!!!

I'm tired of taking a rest the whole day yet I must to stop this damn cough getting worse.
This afternoon I went to hospital (again), and there the doctor found out that my old asthma has a role to make this cough getting worse these few days (sigh).
We're leaving to Indonesia in three days and I hate to go on board with this condition. Most of all, I'm afraid I couldn't eat all the food in my "must-be-eaten-list" (which mostly are spicy and hot) to save my throat.
I regularly take the medicine, I have good rest almost the whole day, I keep my neck warm, I drank lemon juice + Indonesian sweet soy sauce (no lime here!), I drank hot ginger drink, even I drank 1/2 cup of tumeric liquid (suggested by my mum this afternoon). Still no sign that this cough will go away soon *desperate*.

Arrgghhhh any other super good idea to cure a sore throat + cough in three days??


a2pl3 said...

Wah...parah juga ya...

A suggestion... buy a strepsils... It helped me a lot when I had a very bad cough the last time. :D

Enjoy your time in Indo. :d Take care though... :d

LadyNoor said...

coba betadine gargle, yg buat kumur2 itu lho... kalo aku lagi sore throat pake itu cepet sembuh, fungsinya mematikan bakteri/virus di tenggorokan jadi mencegah infeksi.. kalo batuk, ngemut fisherman's friends yg puedes bgt.. ga nyembuhin, tapi meredakan.. kadang sambil tidur aku emut juga kalo emang batuknya tetap membandel...

met liburan , try and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Cepet sembuh ya...biar nggak tambah teler entr pulang ke Indonya...Kayaknya emang musim plu dech...aku ini batuk pilek sejak pulang dari Indo nggak sembuh2,mana winter pula, jadi tmbh nggak bisa napas,jd disisi tmpt tidur selalu sedia spray buat hidung,segelas air putih (mklm mulut kering terus,hbs napas lewat mulut terus, tissue ama my athma spray)...Si Ash ama coby yg nggak pernah plu...jd ikutan, kasian juga liat Coby batuk-batuk,mereka dah pada sembuh. lah aku kok to be continueeee terus pluny... Anyway... sory kepanjangan... selamat berlibur yeee.... hiks hiks.. jadi pingin mudik lagi.

Benny Suryanto said...

Batuk...waduuh..minum air yg hangat trus or rada panas dikitt lah trus dihoeekke *berlendir gak* aku dulu ya gitu, abis mnm air pnas anget trus hoeek kluar smua lendire hehehe.

Mau pulang Indo..wa.pengin..senengnya..Take care bye..bye..