Saturday, July 28, 2007

Billy's Bootcamp

Hiro said something alarming 2 days ago:

Hiro: hmmm kamu look fat ne....esp. cheek area
Me: WHAT?! (shocked)
Hiro: fat dan hitam sekali :p
Me: hitam no problem. Fat?! Really??????????

It's really a sensitive matter for me. Well OK, I still have lots of Indonesian food and especially sambal Bu Rudi from Enyo. I know they're responsible to the uncontrollable raised of my weight. Plus the midnight snack I have lately. Deep in my heart I actually realize that I gain some kilos in this past few weeks. But still.....when someone finally really mentioned that I looked fat, oh well I'm freaking out :p

So at 12:30 a.m I grabbed my hula hoop and did some weight lifting as well. It was when Hiro said again that the hula hoop might not help much for my body shaping. He said that he read somewhere about a popular aerobic method in Japan nowadays. We looked for information right away and turned out that the popular method is tae bo workouts.

It's Billy's bootcamp and the reviews said that the DVD series are really effective for body shaping. Almost bought the DVD from Amazon when Hiro realized that it could be downloaded from BitTorrent. Well, his motto is: "Why should I pay for something I can free downloaded?" :p

Anyway then I tried the exercise. Gosh, I only did 20 minutes exercise but it could already sweat me out. Much more than what I had from Yoga practice (what a comparison hahaha). I felt so healthy and great afterwards. When Iki's asleep I tried the full 1 hour exercise. Have been doing it for two days now, can hardly move because of muscle pain all over my body. The result could be seen in about 3 weeks. So let's see how sexy I would be later hahahahaha


Benny Suryanto said...

Hueeeeekekek..segitunya ya mo tny apa cowok2 Jpg selalu menomersatukan "body" (body is no.1) suka yg kurus langsing sexi??
Many times Benny always say to me "aduh gendute nonikke kayak karung beras", butz I don't care!! Mbuh apa aku the only one woman who don't care about body and face treatment. Mbok dibilang 1000x, tetep aja aku ya mkn bny apalagi klo nunggu Benny plg mkn mlm trus bobok, ngemil all the time (pdhal beli snack disini yo ga murah bo, but untungnya ada 100yen shop). Leh..nek kamu dibilang look fat..trus aku gimana dong hehehe mgkn ur hubby bisa nggeblak hahahaha. Kalo udah ada hasil woro woro ya..sapa tau aku ada niat hehehe. Slama disini beratku baru trn 3kg, mgkn krn "harus jalan" kemana2.

The Diva said...

HADUH IYA, mamaku juga jadi sering ngomel AKU TAMBAH HITAM DAN GENDUTTTT huahhhhhhhhh...

skarang lagi bingung mau program diet *halah diet opo, ini lagi ngetik comment sambil ngemil potato chips, huahahahah*

Tapi aku ngga suka yg kringetan gitu2, dulu pernah coba tae bo juga tapi ngga doyan.
Aku CUMA bisa dan mampu bertahan dengan renang, the only thing that makes me disgustingly sweating WITHOUT realizing it, coz I'm wet anyway.

Huhhh tapi makan ya kudu di-diet yoh... beteeeeeee deh kalo pas gendut gini.
Pingin cari SIAPA ya buat diputusin, biasane nek mari putus aku terus kurus akeh tanpa diet tanpa olahraga, (th lalu turun 7kg lho) tapi sekarang naik lagi huahahahahahha...

Anonymous said...

ati-ati lu kalo keterusan bisa kena anoreksia nervosa kayak Ana Carolina Reston entar hihihi

Sheila, renang bukan membuat kamu kurus tapi mengubah lemak di kaki dan tanganmu jadi otot wakakaka *pisss...

LadyNoor said...

hihihi... billy's bootcamp kan killing exercise-nya, bukannya aku pernah nyobain sih but pernah liat aja di tv :p
aku ini lho males banget exercise, huh... gimana ya spy termotivasi... :(