There's still another box with jars of dried home made food, sambal khas Bu Rudi (I looooveeeeee ENYO!!!!), spiku cake (from Enyo again), and some novels from Valens. Plus additional package sent from my mother with sexy clothes and accessories from Mariza and lots of clothes for Iki. I'm really satisfied though I couldn't bring more boxes here.
And look what I found in my mailbox this afternoon. My Harry Potter. At last I received it after waiting like ages from 21st of July. Pre-ordered means that they sent it on the 21st July and I had to wait like half month to have it delivered. Meanwhile lots other people have finished reading it (including Sheila!). Amazon delivered it in a special Harry Potter edition package. Too bad it will go to my trash bin :p but anyway YAY!!! I'm happy!!!!!!
It means, dear friends....I will take holiday from blogging or chatting for a while since my reading time would only be at night. Same time with my routine blogging or chatting time :p
See you again with the ending of Harry Potter's story ;))
Ih, you're not the last one to read the famous Harry Potter, I can assure you! I'm still desperately trying to get the book in my hand to read! Huuuu...
Harry P, tinggal kenangan hix ngikutin dulunya, skg udah seri ke brp sih:D??...Buku seri ke-4 aja lum kebaca tebel bgt inggris lg allergi hehehe.
Btw, is that "Kecap bango or ABC"? Share dong hahahhaha. Kecap is no.1 yg hrs dibawa, ada sih di psr bok mahal.
HUAHAHAHAHA YOUR TREASURE BOX LOOKS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME LIKE MY TREASURE BOX FROM MY MOM, cuma bedanya, punyaku ada popmie-nya satu kardus hahahahahaha.
Harry Potter... hihihi saknoe Mut, kok ngga dapet yg pre-order seh? MAU TAK KASIH TAU ENDING-NYA NGGAK???
Btw I'll be out from the net too, moving out today, hihihi :-)
No net connection.
Gonna miss you, keep on blogging ya, I'll be back in 2 weeks.
si harry mati, Mut!!! hehehe...
i'm probably the only person on the planet who is not trying to get harry potter books... maybe one day i'll get the collectors' editon for the whole lot, but at the moment i'd rather watching the movies instead... dasar pemalas aja kali yg gw, males baca :p
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