Wednesday, March 12, 2008

At the park

I'm now accompanying Iki playing at the park.On mornings when we don't have our swimming class,I like to bring him here,let him playing with the slide, with ball,with the swing, or simply trying to catch the pigeons. After he got really tired then he would eat lunch a lot and then sleep easily hehehe
Then I could have little time to take a rest or do my thing (^o^)v


The Diva said...

Ohhh jadi itu resepnya ya? dibuat capek dulu, nanti jadi makan banyak dan tenang, hihihi.

Coba semua cowok bisa diurus segampang itu, hahaha.

Seneng deh liat Iki main perosotan. Jadi inget2 dulu aku juga suka main perosotan...

imoet said...

hehehe iya. manipulasi energi anak :p

sebenernya semua cowok mungkin bisa diurus gitu kok. cuma pengalihanenerginya ke hal2 laen :p