Actually Sakura trees can be seen almost everywhere here, but people prefer to go to parks where there are a lot of sakura trees. I took this photo this afternoon at the nearest park from our house. I love the contrast view of sakura color and the clear blue sky color.
Hiro hates crowded places so we didn't go to famous cherry blossoms spot for hanami. He said that there would be tooooo many people that it would be difficult to walk, especially with a small kid. So today we went to Tetsugakudou park, about 15-20 minutes walking from our apartment for hanami. There are many people there having hanami but not as crowded as famous hanami park, lets say Ueno park or Imperial Garden.
This is the close up of sakura flowers.
I love this spot. I felt like being inside a house with sakura roof
There were small pond inside the park so we had our small "picnic" there.
This is a photo of sakura flowers with pond's water as a background
And here is the close up:
The last shot before we left the park, and just before my camera was out of battery :p
And this is our dinner tonight. The highlight was Takenoko Gohan or bamboo shoots rice, one of Japanese spring food specialty.
Served with Hiyayakko (soft tofu topped with katsuobushi and soy sauce), Renkon no Hasamiage (fried minched pork in sandwich style lotus root), Shirasu (baby sardines), and Nameko Miso Soup (kind of mushroom).
Whoah, udah Hanami ya. Di Hakodate kuncup sakura nya aja masih belum nongol. Tahun ini aku bakal ketinggalan Hanami kayaknya, secara tgl 16 April aku balik ke Urayasu - pasti sakuranya udah gundul semua deh.
akhirnya aku hanami-an di Ueno Park hihihi. Gak hujan kok, ya cmn mendung ga ada matahari hihih.
Di deket tempatmu itu rasae jg recommended place di Tokyo jg loh rasanya...(klo ga salah baca sih, mnurut yahoo:P).
waaahhh kayak di komik2 ya! mau liat aslinya dan foto2. :S wondering when.
mamanya rui,
waaah udah mo pindahan ya?!?! hikoshi wa taihen desune~~~~~
moga2 bisa ketemuan ya nanti (^_^)
apik ya, aku udah lihat blogmu. untung gak ujan :p. Iya ternyata tetsugakudo park itu ya recommended place. hehehe untunglah, gak perlu jauh2 ke ueno
iyo...kayak komik2. aku dulu taune tradisi ini ya dari komik. kalo udah banyak duit sambangi aku ae tepak sakura hihihi
hi sorry posting comment di sini abis ga ada shoutbox.
Just wondering if it's ok to list your blog at Indonesian Expatriates Forum.
Waaa... Enak banget deh kayanya piknik dikelilingi pemandangan indah gitu... Duh kapan ya aku jalan2 ke Jepang :D
here is my takenoko gohan ;-)
please link to my site. thanks
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