At that time I just finished saying "Iki, stop playing with the sliding door", when I heard the locked sound. Damn!!!!! I was locked at the veranda by a 2 years old boy!!! And don't you dare to laugh at me grrrhhhhh
Our apartment's sliding doors to the verandas are equipped with safety locked so that kids couldn't open it from inside. And today I got the proof that kids (or toddler) really couldn't open it!!.
I tried to teach Iki from outside how to open the damn lock but he couldn't. He tried and tried though, following my instructions with his panic face. But was too difficult to him.
I told him to take the wireless phone and taught him how to call Hiro then. He did it!!!! I didn't expect he could understand and follow my instructions properly. Smart boy! but papa-chan was not smart enough to understand that it was an emergency call :(
Today was my first period day so my stomachache was killing me. Usually if Hiro has to drink with his colleagues he always sends me an SMS around that time, so I was worried too. Couldn't imagine if I had to stay out there until 1 a.m and let little Iki alone without food inside (>.<). It was warm today but I was so worried and scared and angry that I felt really cold. I was locked outside for more than 1 hour when suddenly I saw a little girl passed with her bike. I called her and explained her what happened with my very limited Japanese. Luckily she understood and ran for help. One mother then came over and called the apartment administrator to help me out.....
I didn't know what to say then when I read Hiro's sms on my mobile phone: "Did you call me? Aku angkat then mendengar your voice and Iki. Waktu kerja jangan call me. ONLY EMERGENCY aja" How could I not blow up reading that?!?! IT WAS AN EMERGENCY CALL!!!!
Anyway it's over. I learned my lesson today: to bring my mobile phone EVERYWHERE. Iki learned his lesson too today, I hope. He was also panic, trying his best to help me. After the apartment administrator rescued me, Iki hugged me tightly while saying "coyi, mama....coyi..." (sorry, mama). I forgave him already the moment he tried his best to help me......
Oh dear.....what an embarassing experience. I guess tomorrow everyone would know that "Iki-kun no mama was locked at the veranda by Iki" (>.<)
Aduhhhhhhhhh aduhhhh....
kalo aku pasti udah panik banget... more than 1 hour in the veranda!!!
Yeah I think that would be good to bring your cell phone everywhere...
Iki pintar ya. Mut..
perhaps next time you can agree on a secret code or a code between you, Iki, and Hiro.
I mean, kejadian gini nggak jarang lho. Aku pernah baca di internet, a 2-year-old girl in USA actually saved her mother by calling 911, soalnya her mommy tiba2 pingsan, collapsed at home. Daddy was at work.
Kejadiannya baru aja bulan lalu kubaca di Yahoo News.
Perhaps kamu bisa ajarin Iki, since he's SUCH A SMART BOY, bisa nelpon papanya gitu.
Perhaps since he's not yet so clear in speaking, try something easy like "Help", or whatever word you agree, and then teach Iki to call Papa-chan and next time Papa-chan understands the signal.
Penting lho. You'd think it is not important, but it surely helps in such cases.
Big hug ya Mut...
(sekarang ketawa geli sendiri ngebayangin kamu kekancing di balkon, tapi tadi pagi pasti kejadiannya nggak terlalu lucu buat kamu, hahahaha...)
sher... guess what!!! it happened to me too, coby also looked me out when I put the clothes on the line.. gheee... my door is also sliding door like yours...tried to teach coby how to open, he kept trying but unsuccessful, so he just stopped trying...and he pushed the chair to the bookcase, grap my crafts blade cutter there... i was so worried that he would cut himself, so i quickly run to my neighbour, and borrowed their phone to call ashley at work to come home, as he has the spare key with him...
after 40minutes, finally ashley arrived home to open to door...
hihihihi..but now, we can have a laugh about it... hihihih
Hehehe... Sorry, aku semestinya gak nyengir2 tapi gak tahan apalagi pas baca reply sms dari Hiro. Dasar Papa-chan gak 'ngeh' kalo itu pesan bener2 emergency :D
You handled it very well, Mut. And Iki is so calm and cool following your instructions. Makes me think if I should start to teach Ameera a few trick to do on the phone to call emergency line like Sheila said.
Well done, you two. Another emergency matter has been solved :)
huahahahha...sorry ketawa duluan ya. Soalnya mbayangin wajahnya Iki deh kekekek.
Safety lock berandamu kayak apa sih> Punyaku cuman "cetekan" gitu aja. Si Kiyo skg jg ngerti ituh kuncinya, klo mau keluar tanganku dipegang diarahin ke lock-nya itu (tp blm bs buka sendiri sih ndak nyampe).
Kalow aku sih malah pernah kekunci di beranda gara2 BENNY!!!!, aku njemur kasur, n Benny ambil handuk, trs katanya ga sadar dia nutup pintu n trs dikunci...(kebiasaan sih), trs ditinggal mandi..!!!!..lah aku pas gak pake sweater..duuh ademe...Then, dia baru sadar kalao ternyata aku kekuncian. Kiyo jg pas tidur n bangun2 cari mamanya ga ada....dasar.
Moet, aku jadi best friend in canada, got locked outside as well..tapi studionya di lantai 15, dan waktu itu the end of fall, suhunya sekitar 4C, dan dia cuman pake kaos kutang en celana pendek!!
ceritanya waktu itu dia belajar semalaman en pengen ngerokok (dasar orang korea! - no sheila, not kyong, it was jun sung). terus pas dia nutup berandanya, eh kekunci. gak ada HP pula.
Tau gak, dia mesti nunggu sampe besok pagi, waktu tetangga dari SEBERANG GEDUNG APARTMENT liat en dia teriak minta tolong!
dia bilang kedinginan banget waktu itu...mungkin di korea lebih dingin dan dia juga pernah ikut militer jadi tahan banting...gak kebayang kalo itu orang indo....
ya aku panik banget. sampe nangis wes an. itu mungkin yang bikin iki tambah merasa bersalah....
bener juga, perlu ngajarin iki some code biar dia bisa hubungi someone for emergency. aku juga baca cerita anak kecil yang berhasil menyelamatkan mamanya itu....
hehehe kemaren malam udah ngakak2 bareng hiro kok kalo inget2 kejadian itu :p
hahaha kamu juga??!?!?! kenapa sih anak2 umur2 tahun ini ya...:)). apa sejak kejadian itu coby masih berani main2 sliding door? hari ini Iki gak berani nyentuh sih....entah apa bakal bertahan lama...
hehehe thanks. sekarang kalo baca lagi aku ya nyengir kok :p.
yeah...untunglah happy ending. that's right....mungkin bisa mulai dipikirkan ngajarin anak2 kita apa yang harus dilakukan for emergency. gak ada kata too early for that!
hahaha asem! paling terang2an ngakak kamu!
kuncinya ya model cetekan gitu, tapi kalo mau buka, ada yang kudu ditekan dulu. Buat anak2 susah...lah wong aku ae bolak balik kejepit disana. Nek kamu datang sini tak tunjuk'i :))
kekancingan di teras gara2 benny?!?!?! huahahahahahahahahaha!!!
4 derajat?!?! duh mbayangno ae wes keademan aku. untung dia bisa bertahan sampe pagi....nek aku wes pingsan bek e....
weww... aku terharu membacanya..
salam sayang buat Iki pintar
(sek nahan ketawa) .mmphhhh
ati2 ya lain kali pintunya di ganjel barang.sapa tau bukan IKI yg slide. sapa tau ketabrak kucing kek? hehehe ngayal.
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