All I need were only a pack of cream and following the very clear illustrated instructions here. In less than 15 minutes, tadaaaa I got unsalted butter (^___^). From 150 ml cream, I got 80 gr unsalted butter + 50 cc buttermilk (will think of how to use this later).
And this is the final result. French Brownies from VideoJug
Little Iki dropped it while it's not cooling down yet. The hole is as big as the hole on my heart. It looks like a tissue box now (T_T). How would I show this to my friends tomorrow?!?!?!?!?! *lemes*
Hahaha... Iki teganya engkau "melubangi" hati mamamu.
this is the best story ever!!!
udah susah2 ngocok krim bikin mentega sendiri (ya ampun kamu kayak orang Cina aja, nguleni mie sendiri buat bikin mie pangsit hahaha)
ealahhh kuenya jatoh!!! Hahahahahaha...
ya udah dibalik aja toh Mut kan the other side nggak bolong :p
atau dikasih hiasan kembang yang gedheee jadi ketutupan lubangnya???
(stupid ideas)
sorry for my long absence.
It's a great surprise that you now are living in Japan!
By the way, if you feel difficulty with these fuxxin' "butter shortage", I have a lot of stock (haha!) and I can help you. But I too don't have any non-salted-butter...
huahahahhaha... mut..mut.. banyolanmu loh :))
Kalo gak dihias dipotong-potong ae langsung terus dibalik.. supaya bolong gak kelihatan gitu :P
Kalo gak ceritain aja kejadiannya... semua orang pasti "terkesima" =))'re really really good housewife ya.....
Masak 3x sehari, buat kue, or lainnya...
maybe yo hrs gitu ya ibu2 jepang? hehehe.
Kalau aku......selalu gagal buat kue (di rmh loh), skg pgn nyoba...but my hubby doesn;t allow me..katanya halah buang2 duit, beli jadi ae lbh murah dan tentunya lbh enak!!grrrrr...
btw, unsalted butter itu buat apa? apa ada hubungane biar gak lemu gitu tah? hehehe
wah moet, kuenya dikirim ke sini aja...
mamanya rui,
haha istilahmu loh!!
hmmm masalahnya, other side agak item, alias agak gosong hihihi
hisashiburi!!!!!! thanks for stopping by again. Very nice surprise (^__^)
owww so you have lots of butter stocks, huh?. please let me know if you find unsalted butter hahaha
let's meet sometime if you're free ;-)
hehe gak tega ceritane yunnn :p
ah...gak juga. kamu bikin aku ge er ae. gini ae aku jek sering dikomplain. jarene japanese women do much much better (>.<)
unsalted butter bukan buat takut gemuk. ya buat bikin kue....bayangkan kalo pake butter yang asin itu? lak kuene jadi asin, nov! haha
tambah ancur bek e sebelum sampe sana :d. datang sini ae, tak jamu pake kue bolong :p
jadi inget carla pas buat kue apa yang kayak gitu jg ya. brownies yang buat ultahnya pepe . kan jg jatuh amburadul bentuknya.
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