Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fell down

Iki didn't want to take a nap so I brought him to the park. He woke up early this morning that I was pretty sure he would be really fuzzy tonight without a nap. He spent more than half an hour climbing that big slide and refused to go back home. I thought he would be tired and sleepy soon so I let him playing for another minutes.

And he fell down!! From the top of the rope ladder, exactly from where he was standing in that photo. I failed to catch him, and he hit his head on the ground!

He cried for few minutes but wanted to play more. I was so worried and hugged him home. He was really angry and cried. But at last gave up over a big cookie.

He still could dance though while watching his favorite Thomas and Friends, and he is sleeping now. But I'm still worried. He fell down from such a high place.

What should I do? Hiro told me to watch him carefully and bring him to doctor if he acts strangely. But I'm worried to death now. I should have watched him more carefully :(

What if he couldn't wake up.....?!


The Diva said...

Duh Muttt, yang sabar ya...
Iki will be alright kok.
Anak cowok emang gitu, penekan, panjatan, loncat2, there will be more accidents in the future, things that you cannot help.

Try his memory, counting, asking him questions. As long as he can still act and behave normally, it should be alright. Kids usually have more endurance than you'd think (adekku piro kali kepala bocor, tapi tetep pinter hahahaha)

Big hug ya Mut.
How's he now?

Benny Suryanto said...

Rasae nek Iki gpp ya berarti gpp ^_^.
Lihat aja, reaksinya muntah2 gak, badan anget gak, mgkn ya gak langsung..coba lihat smp malem ini.

Tapi memang gitu kok, anak laki duuuh, emange kok yo bikin senewen.

Tinggi banget ya Mut? Se kepala orang dewasa?

yawes dah tetep diamati wae, soale ya nek lgs dibawa dokter, dokter pasti cmn bilang kalow ndak muntah atau panas ya ndak perlu smp X-ray or apalah semcmnya heehe.

Ojok mikir aneh2, gak bangun edyaan.hahahaha.

imoet said...

Thanks ya. He is allright kok. Aku aja yang terlalu panik dan membesar2kan masalah. Meskipun banyak yg bilang kalo anak kecil itu sebenernya kuat, tetep aja kalo kejadian akunya bingung :p

Beneran gak papa kok Nov, thanks ya :)
Tinggi banget, Nov. Aku gak bisa menggapai Iki kok kalo udah sampe ketinggian itu (read: dilihat dari sudut pandang tinggi badanku loh hehe)

LadyNoor said...

Moet, katanya kalo abis jatuh masih tetep aktif malah nggak apa-apa. Bener kata Benova, kalo muntah itu berarti kita harus panik! :(

Tante Cela, kata siapa anak cowok thok yg pecicilan. Lha Ameera udah dua kali ngegeblak dari tempat main kaya Iki gitu, dua2nya pas sama aku lagi! Mana kepalanya terus yg nyungsep duluan, duh jantung ini lho copot!

Moet, aku juga gak ngerti kok orang pada bikin tempat main tinggi2 banget. Nggak mikir orang tuanya nggak nyampe lho! Makanya kadang aku melok naik ke puncak tempat mainan sekalian!... Kebayang aku manjat2an gitu gak, Moet? :D