We have outdoor activity in the morning. Either swimming or playing at the park and daily shopping. Usually after lunch Iki had his nap, so now I have to find activities to replace this nap time.
So far this "A Bit Of This and A Bit Of That" blog is my main reference for good educative activities, but I can't say that I follow all of her Montessori method. I just take whichever I think are good and suitable for our situation here and there in the internet :p.
Some of them are:
Counting game
"Sewing" game
Water painting
Shopping game
Ice Digging
And I think the list with get longer. Now I must spend my only free time at night to find or prepare activity ideas instead of doing my favorite free time activities *sigh*
Do you have any other idea on how to make your active toddler busy during the day?!
hueh... ngiri deh ngeliat mainan2nya Iki. dulu aku ga ada yg begituan. papaku malah bikinin aku mainan kayak kasino gitu (dasar orang dulu suka judi). dia maku sebuah papan dengan banyaaak sekali paku2 yg letaknya ga seberapa beraturan. trus kalo kita gelindingin kelereng dari atas, dari bagian manapun dari tuh papan, kelerengnya bakal jatuh di salah satu "hadiah" atau "hukuman" di bawah. aku suka juga tuh barang walopun kampung abis. :))
Ooohhh kayak Pinball table gitu ya La? Kerennnn tuh. Nggak kampung kok, sampe sekarang kan masih ada mainan gitu di game arcades atau tempat2 judi.
Hmmm aku dulu juga mainan Barbie, nggak berguna. Cuma menciptakan gaya hidup konsumtif dan centil-isme yang terbawa2 sampe gede, hahaha.
Paling banter dan paling kreatif ya dibeliin Lego gedeee sama mamaku, itu juga mainnya pake berantem sama adekku, hahahaha.
Aku SUKA BANGET liat caramu raise Iki, Mut, esp. with the references from internet. I spent an hour reading the Jojoebi blog last night, I think the method is cool, I'll probably adopt some for my own child.
but that will have to wait... hmmm, I'd say, for 10 years, since I'm not yet planning any kids, hahahaha.
I agree with Sheila, I think you are really dedicated in raising Iki. I am impatient and that now I'm not there a third of the time in the week I can't help to feel guilty about it...
Big hugs for you! Sometimes Ameera refuses to nap, by the end of the day I'm a wreck. When I'm desperate I'll turn the DVD on, one of her favorite movies like Finding Nemo or Charlotte's Web. I hate the idea that she likes watching movies, but can't really blame her because her mother LOVES vegging in front of the big screen watching her favorite movie :D
Good luck, and I really like the blog you're referring me to. She has like tons of ideas! Good for rainy days :)
I'd love Montessori method too, it's really practical and creative. I have couple books about it, giving some idea of activites we can do around the house.
There is a program here called Playschool by ABC, I am sure Intan knows :)... i'd love to see this program,it's really cool, they do a lot of crafts using simple things we can find easily around the house... like to make dough,etc
Check this out:
Aku bakal ga sabar deh.....Kiyo selalu aja gandeng tanganku trs. Minta apa mboh.
Eh...tertarik gmn caranya tuh Iki bisa njahit?
wah papamu kreatif juga. aku paling ya suka banget kalo dibikinin mainan kayak gitu!!
kayaknya. iki juga punya pinball kok, tapi hasil beli di toko. dikasih hadiah bobonya. heran toddler udah diajarin judi :)). nanti2 dia minta ke pachinko mampus deh.
thanks pujiannya la!! hobbyku berkutat dengan internet, ya dimanfaatkan sekalian buat mendidik iki huuehehe.
yes, i love that jojoebi blog. bener2 ibu panutan tuh!
ah gak juga kok. beneran. aku juga sering gak sabar, trus males, buntutnya nyalain DVD thomas biar Iki nonton tenang berjam jam.
thanks for the reference. tambahan informasi yang berguna banget. kayaknya malam ini aku bakal sibuk browsing disana deh!
pelan2 Nov....elum lah kayaknya seumur Kiyo. Iki juga waktu itu paling banter aku ajak keluar maen buat penyaluran energi dia :p
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