So...Ehm ehm....look at how Iki-chan chose the lucky person :p
Let's see who he/she is....?!
Dear Lady in Red, please email me your address. I actually prepared Japanese cool "summer goodie", but I know you are having winter now in Aussie hahahaha. So you'll get special souvenir from my next week trip to Sendai instead (^_^).
Again, congratulations. And thank you for all the comments.
anyway, Congratulations to Lady in Red!!
hix....Iki.....harusnya milih cece Nova dong....bukan undian hihhiihihi.
Waduuh..congrat to Lady in Red.
Nanti buat aku gala dinner saja ya...hihihihihi
ealaahh... aku belum beruntung nih. Selamat deh buat lady in red.
Moet, taon depan bikin undian lagi dong... hehe.
Thank you Iki for choosing me!
Thank you, Imoet! Looking forward receiving this special souvenir from Sendai. Thanks for considering other stuff than the summer goodies, although honestly I wouldn't mind any kind of present :p... Will email you my address shortly :)
High five to Iki! I know it's a draw, and he couldn't possibly intentionally choosing me. However, I'm pleased to make The Diva so pissed off! Hahahaha!!!
Yes, I won two blogging related draws in a row. Can't help but laughing at your comment, tante Cela, better luck next time :D
Am a lucky bitch, indeed. Will buy some Lotto tickets (a form of gamble) now I've been so lucky :p
Congrats to Lady in Red. :)
Just stay tuned for the next giveaway hahahaha
Lady in Red,
Got your email already. Just wait for the package (^_^)
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