To my surprise, look what Mbak Maria prepared for lunch!!! I couldn't remember how many times did I said "Oh My God!" :p
Nasi Kuning topped with abon sapi and sambal goreng tempe
Ayam Goreng
Es Buah
Iki had fun too. He is definitely the quietest among Kiyo and Rui, but he enjoyed playing by himself. That's why I could eat as much possible hahaha. I forgot my diet programme completely today :p
Oh, I also tried Mbak Maria's rodeo. It said that that machine could reduce the waist line (and perhaps my fatty stomach too) so I wanted to give it a try hehehe. I think that machine reduce 1/12 calorie of all the food I ate this afternoon :))
I even brought home some food for our dinner. Iki really loved that nasi kuning and the ayam goreng. He kept saying: "ayam goreng enak, ayam goreng enak yoooo".
At the end of the day, I asked Iki-chan if he was happy today. Sleepily he answered: "very happy. Bu'de gave kakkoi cars". LOL
Thanks a lot for today, Mbak. We definitely will come again (^_^)
beteee... ngiler...
Mbak Maria, kenalan dong. buatin nasi kuning dan sambal goreng tempe yang enak itu juga... hiks hiks...
aku juga suka siomay tapi nggak bisa bikin sendiri.
ayam goreng nya resepnya apa??? hiks...
pingin kumpul2 juga....
Hmmm... di photo keliatan lezat ya, padahal rasanya gak dahsyat dahsyat amat, photographer nya lihai sih, hihi.
Moet, aku malah gak punya photo buat posting, aku ambil photomu aja ya, permisi...
Buat the diva, ya udah ikutan deh ke sini... ssssttt, semuanya pake bumbu instant lho, hehe.
I want to try the rodeo ride, not so much for reducing my waist line but uhmm... you know, it looks "fun"... *ngakak* :D
The Diva,
SUmpah uenakkkkk la!! ayuk ayuk laen kali kalo kita ngumpul, datang yaaa hihihi
Mamanya Rui,
Walah merendah kamuuu. Sodara-sodara....makanannya emang beneran dahsyattt!
Lady in Red,
hihihi dasar kamu. Suka main "kuda-kudaan" ya? :))
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