Btw, kamu itu bener2 imut buanget ya, Moet. If you can walk around wighing 40kg without looking anorexic, you are very petite... Aku sekarang berat 48 merasa kekurusan tapi berperut buncit... Hehehehe :D
I;m back............. And..also your raisin pie and dried salmon fish.
when can you come here...neh huehehe, soale aku wes gatel ada makanan pengin tak caplok wae hihihi. En..sorry nih..rasane pie ne bukan seng persis ama yg kamu pesen, ternyt aku lht ada raisin pie lainnya di Haneda airport.waaaa....
En...gak usah pake diet2 an lah Mut, wes imut tambah mut..mut..lagi lak gak kuat gendong Iki...hahahaha.
I m o e t is Used to be a small girl with high dream and ambition. Now a wife and a mother. This is a parchment of her life. Diary that leads to the Chamber of Secrets of her heart. And Horcruxes in which her souls locked.
How do you find the time? *berdecak kagum*
Btw, kamu itu bener2 imut buanget ya, Moet. If you can walk around wighing 40kg without looking anorexic, you are very petite... Aku sekarang berat 48 merasa kekurusan tapi berperut buncit... Hehehehe :D
tinggi badanmu berapa dulu?!?!?!
i'm less than 150 cm (>.<) ==> gak sanggup menyebutkan angka pastinya :p
hahahaha..somebody is on a strict diet here!
I;m back.............
And..also your raisin pie and dried salmon fish.
when can you come here...neh
huehehe, soale aku wes gatel ada makanan pengin tak caplok wae hihihi.
En..sorry nih..rasane pie ne bukan seng persis ama yg kamu pesen, ternyt aku lht ada raisin pie lainnya di Haneda airport.waaaa....
En...gak usah pake diet2 an lah Mut, wes imut tambah mut..mut..lagi lak gak kuat gendong Iki...hahahaha.
hahaha aku juga butuh diettt, hiksssssss....
ortuku mau dateng, pasti ntar ributtt kalo liat bentuk ku sekarang dibilang genduttt.
hahaha diet untuk alasan yang salah :-D
kamu mosok ga sampe 150 seh Mut? aku ae 150 lho,perasaan kita dulu sama kok tinggine???!!!!
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