Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Postpartum Recovery

Look what I found as a draft during labeling my old posts. Written on 19 January 2006, at 22:06. I think it's worth to share:

I thought giving birth was the hardest task.

It is definitely NOT.

What come after were even harder and more painful hahahaha [cegek mode: ON]
  1. I must have total rest while taking care of my sleeping-angel-yet-crying-monster baby. Trust me, they're two impossible tasks at the same time without any help! We hired a baby sitter for the first three weeks (only from 9 a.m to 6 p.m, Mon - Sat), but the total damage was 1000 USD a.k.a hampir 10 juta rupiah.
  2. I must have good nutritous food for the sake of producing good milk, while breastfeeding caused a lot more painful contractions and vomitting to me. How can I give good milk if the food I ate were all always thrown out? It was really frustrating for me and Hiro. He was so worried that he kept asking me to stop breastfeeding. Which was not a solution for me!
  3. The stitches are painful and must be taken care really well. And once they're almost recovered, they became very itchy. Itchy but couldn't be scratched. Really suffering.
  4. The bleeding is
I believed it was not finished yet so I kept it in my draft folder. 20 months has passed now, and I'm trying to think of the rest of the list to complete the post, but I couldn't think of any. I thought that time was the hardest moment after we got Iki. Well, I couldn't even get enough time to complete that story, for instance.
But still I couldn't think of any now. Too many things happened afterwards. I think there's no more "hardest" moment while raising a kid. It was nothing comparing to what I had to deal with 6 months ago, and what I had 6 months ago is nothing compared to what I have to deal with today. And all of them are nothing compared to what I have to deal with next year, or next 5 years or next 10 years.

Being a parent is a 24 hours job, 7 days a week, for a lifetime (^__^)


Vivi said...

yes...i start to suspect that giving birth is actually the easiest part.

The aftermath of raising the child, especially the first year, is the difficult one physically.

My back starts killing me now, and I only care for my baby from 1 pm to 6 am, getting helps from the nanny.

But I believe when you watch the smile (sometimes i also suspect smirks from my daughter) from Iki, it's all worth it ...

Benny Suryanto said...

Weleh aku baca waktu kamu nglahirin Iki hehehe...same experience, alamak kontraksi itu sakit ya hahaha.
Seblm lahir aku cmn cari info dari org2 yg pengalaman aja, klo normal sakitnya wkt kontraksi itu, klo mau caesar ntar sakitnya hbs operasi.
Gimana rasanya kontraksi..?org bilang kyk nek mau dpt M. Hmmm maap ga pernah sakit perut tuh klo mau dpt M..trus gmn dong, katanya kyk org kebelet beol tp ga isa beol.
And..yg kurasain mmg kyk org kebelet beol bo...!!! Kayak diujung tanduk itu tp sakit huahahahha. Tp drpd triak2 aku coba tarik en buang napas, en tentu aja msh bisa makan hehehe.
Cuman rasa sakit yg nemen emang mulai dari jam 3sore, trus udah nangis2 dibuat beol ga isa, jam 5sore msk RS, jam 8 mlm udah kluar.hehehe..kata org cepet bgt.
Tapi sueer doktere pengen tak tendang...lah sakitnya pas "anuku" dijahit boo....obat bius e entek.Dg tenangnya dokterku ngomong "sekali lagi ya sekali lagi tak rapetke biar sip". Bleeeh.
Waktu liat Kiyo lahir wes plong, tp mari gitu deg degan lagi abis mau dijahit anuku ehehehe.

Bayar babysitter 10jt!!!!!!! huaaaah itu 2x biaya aku nglahirin boo!! Mending panggil mamamu aja bisa sampe 3bulan hehehehe.

Btw..ngurus anak mmg susah2 pegel2 seneng ya...Baru aku tau susahnya jadi mama ya, blum ntar klo dah besar mamanya dimaki maki.hix.

imoet said...

And by the time she is 18, you'll get tired mentally :p

Hahahaha aku sampe ngakak2 bacanya. Bener Nov...rasanya kayak eek ya? EEK DUREN :)) :))
Iya...dokter2 itu kok bisa2nya gak memperhitungkan ngasih obat bius yg cukup?! Aku ya gemes ngerasakno anu dijahit tanpa bius. doktermu cek enak'e ngomong?! :))

Anonymous said...

Ternyata setelah dapet "bocoran" dari seorg dokter... jahit menjahit itu tidak dibius lho SUWER!!
Dokter selalu bilang dibius biar pasien jadi tenang... asem ya kita diboongin dokter kandungan :))