Monday, October 15, 2007


Bicycle parking is a common sight in Tokyo, though the biggest one I've ever seen was at Amsterdam Central Station (Gosh, it was like TP's parking lot and full of bicycles!! - TP? berlebihan ya? :p). Guess I would end up having one bike and riding Iki everyday for grocery shopping if we moved back to Tokyo. Well, I couldn't drive a car, and even if I could, would Hiro ever let me driving his car?! :p

But I've never seen any baby stroller parking before in my life until I we went to Disneyland Tokyo last month! People just leave their strollers there unattended, no parking cards or whatsoever, and free of charge. Unbelievably safe country!!!!
The photo below was taken just before we rode a train-like attraction, and after we finished, the strollers parked were already twice than before. I almost cried trying to find Iki's stroller considering the fact that it's a Japanese branded one, and almost all the strollers parked there had the same brand, the same type and the same color (@_@). Thanks God it still had airline sticker label on it!


Raquel said...

I didn't know that bicycle is common in Japan, thanks for this information Imoet.

Baby stroller parking lot is cool. *wink*

Vivi said...

lho moet, akhirnya balik ke jepang lagi?

imoet said...

Me too. Especially in such a big city like Tokyo!

I said..."IF" :p

The Diva said...

hahahaha lucunyaaa. Lha itu banyak yg kembar2, gimana nemunya? Lak ketuker2 wong gak pake plat nomor??

Lain kali dikasih plat nomer ae Mut, kalo ke Jepang lagi.
1 K 1 , gitu hehehehe.

Btw naik sepeda, HIHH medeniiii.
*eh di Muenchen semua orang naik sepeda, parkir sepeda geletakan dimana2 tapi ya nggak ilang, aneh ya??? nek di Indo sepeda di garasi digembok gerendel ae isa digondol maling kok, hahahaha*

Anonymous said...

wah iki nek nang indo wes dadi bancakane maling 'ci, gletakan ngono hahaha...