Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sweet potatoes party

Early this month we had school trip (ensoku) to saitama area for sweet
potatoes picking (imohori)

We brought home soooo many sweet potatoes. I sent obaachan 8 potatoes,
gave away some more to friends and neighbor, put a bit of it on our
meal every day, but still had some left!

So yesterday I had sweet potatoes party at home with some friends.
Everyone should bring in one sweet potatoes meal!

It was a good party! A lot of variety of sweet potatoes meal, to my surprise!

We even had small birthday celebration for a friend, with sweet potato cake!

And I closed the day finishing the left over wine. Ah.... What a life!


Cooking Gallery said...

Hi Shierly, udah lama enggak ngeblog, hope everything is ok over there :)!

imoet said...

Thanks, CG!!
I lost my online mood these past few months. Hopefully now I'm back hehege