Saturday, May 07, 2011


This happened yesterday morning in takasu campfround. He went downhill
way too fast that he couldn't control the bicycle!! Well iki....this
was a very good lesson not to ride bike that fast anymore, right?!

The blood was almost all over his face, but now he is fine and could
even hike around kamikochi yesterday


Mbak'e said...

aduh Iki, kasihaaan... sampe belepotan darah gitu. Lain kali ati ati ya...

Cooking Gallery said...

Poor, poor Iki...:(!! Anyway, at least it's nothing serious...!

The Diva said...

ya ampouuunnn hahahaha kaciannnn... gak papa ikiii anak lakiiii sekali2 jatuh biar tambah kuattt hhehehe
sekarang dah nggak papa kan?

imoet said...

hihihi ya itulah....
temenku bilang, kalo punya anak laki ya siap2 menghadapi darah dan tulang patah :p

he is fine now....bekas lukanya bahkan udah mengelupas! aih cepatnya ya anak kecil recover....