Saturday, February 10, 2007

New haircut

Oh yeah!! this definitely is one of a must in my to-do-list everytime I go to Japan. Hair dressers in Korea sucks. I got three times experience cutting my hair here and wanted to cry looking at the mirror and saw what they did to my precious hair. Well, maybe not in all over Korea, but three times experience scared me enough to try the forth one.

This time I cut my hair in Yokohama, since I stayed at Hiro's sister house in that city. Going there alone freed my from Hiro's domineering attitude in choosing my hair style hahahahah. Using my extremely broken Japanese, I explained the hair stylist what I expected and asked for her best recommendation.

So now I got my new hair cut, and I loveeeeeee this style so much. It's not as conservative as before (again, there was no Hiro there hehehe). Still short, but modern. Looks sporty and matured at the same time. First word from my mother in law: Kakkoiiii!!!! (KEREN!)

Happy (^__^)


The Diva said...

Yea yea yea...
Percumaaaaa kalo pamer2 cerita rambut baru TAPI NGGA ADA FOTO!!!
ngga gunaaa... mbok kira aku mbaca gini isa mbayangin rambut barumu tah??? b-(

*jiwit gemesss*

Btw, Mut... kangen :-)
Nanti Minggu kutelepon lagi aaaahh.... heheehe

Pre said...

mana potonyaaaaa!!! sasshin wa dokoooo??!!!

Mee said...

shashin o apuroodo (upload :p) shite kudasai!

imoet said...

yang mau lihat foto harus webcam chat sama aku!!!!! hohohoho

Anonymous said...

i'm dying for a haircut! :(

Anonymous said...

walah ..... ini maksude suruh imajinasi sendiri gitu? b-( Dasar imoet!!