Sunday, March 04, 2007

Iki's right ear

Lately Iki seems really uncomfortable with his right ear. He always points cotton buds and asks me to clean his ear. So I always do that to make him feel better. But indeed, he's not getting any better at all.
Once I brought him to the doctor and asked him to check his ear. I didn't dare to put the cotton bud too deep so I thought there must be lots of dirts inside his ear. But the doctor said it was okay. That there's nothing to be worried about his ear.

Day by day Iki is getting more uncomfortable with that ear. He kept rubbing it and pointing the cotton buds. So last 3 days, after bath I tried to clean the ear deeper. Indeed, i got a pretty big dirt. But Iki cried a lot. Since then he never let me clean his right ear yet he kept rubbing it for so many times in a day.

I started to get worried. And so did Hiro.
He looked for information at the internet and baby books about baby's ear treatment, and found one shocking fact.

What??!?! God....I've been doing it for over a year!!!!! I felt like I lost my power. Can you imagine?! How much dirt would it be inside Iki's ear by now?!

Must go to ear specialist now to clean the dirt, and check Iki's hearing ability. It was saturday night (oh no, midnight!), and I must wait until Monday (T_T). Couldn't sleep the whole night.

What if....hmmmm I don't want to say it here, but I am so worried (_ _o)


Anonymous said...

Sher.. mau kasih masukan...Si coby kalau giginya lagi keluar kan jerit-jerit tuch kesakitan...terus rubbing his ears gitu,kayak kesakitan tambah jengkel gitu nangisnya hihih..,biasanya aku kasih baby panadol atau baby neurofen,karena emang benernya Ears-nya dia nggak apa-apa,cuman buat bantu ngilangin ngilu giginya mau tumbuh(btw, Coby juga selalu yang di rubbing telinga kanannya ) tapi kalau itu Ear Infections sepertinya musti dikasih Antibiotics atau pain killer gitu...begitu sekilas masukan dari aye

The Diva said...

It'll be alright :-) Don't worry too much, ok?
Back then my mom was always cleaning my ears using cotton buds, and nothing happened. I believe all mums in the world made the same mistake, and then the scientists found something new and thought that would be the best :-)

let me know the results of the doctor's check yaaaa ^__^
Hug hug hug...

Anonymous said...

hope his ear's okay... try not to worry too much (easier said than done!)..
let us know the result :)


imoet said...

tadi pagi ke THT!!!
dan hasilnya (^_____^) gak apa-apa.
ama dokternya kupingnya iki dimasukin alat yang konek ke monitor biar bisa ngeliat isinya. Dan ternyata gak ada kotoran yang membeku ato menumpum disana. Juga gak ada genderang pecah ato cacat2 lainnya.
Fiuhhhh leganyaaaaaaa!!!

Bener katanya Lily kali yah. Iki kan gerahamnya lagi tumbuh, GEraham kanan lagi. Mungkin dia rubbing his ear buat ngurangin ngilu :p. Thanks yo Ly....aku jadi tahu ginian

imoet said...

And bener juga katanya ella...
mamaku juga dulu perasaan bersihin kupingku bertahun2 ya pake cotton buds, toh aku ya gak budeg :p

Anonymous said...

phewwww.... *ikutan lega* :)

coolz said... are you... br buka blogmu lagi setelah sekian lama... woow, Iki udah gede yaa...

Take care, Moeet! Kalo ke Jkt give me a call... ^^

Unknown said...

jare sopo kowe g budheg, shier.
kadang kowe dirasani gak keroso!
alias muka badak.
