Friday, February 19, 2010

mommy's bike

this kind of bicycle is all around tokyo. its like one of main transportations, esp for mommies. with childseat and basket to put on groceries.

its my first time riding it today. i cant remember when was the last time i rode bike. perhaps in junior high school?!, but amazingly i could safely brought iki on it today haha. we went to kumon's trial class and then public library with my friend tomomi. too far to walk, so she lent me a bike from her friend. i cant believe i did it, pretty good! i should have asked a bicycle for my birthday gift!


Rie Rie said... bisa bahasa Inggris jadi komennya pakek bahasa gado2 Indonesia aja yah...

jepang...negara posmo. Salut banget masih bisa naik sepeda padahal mbak dah lama ga naik sepeda...ati2 boncengin little boy nya yah...

lam kenal..makasih dah mampir di babungeblog...

Mbak'e said...

Minta dibeliin dendou jitensha, Moet, yang ada mesinnya biar enteng ngontelnya kalo di tanjakan.

Btw, itu Iki chan masih oke ya duduk di depan, gak menghalangi pandanganmu tha, khan kamu imut, hihi...

Unknown said...

thinking about it too, too lazy to 20 min-walk to daycare everyday.

imoet said...

rie rie: thanks udah mampir.

mbak maria: itukan sepeda pinjeman hehe. masih belum mutusin mau beli sepeda ato gak nih mbak.....kudu ngitung spacenya storage room kalo tiba2 kudu pindahan lagi :(

vini: yeah, its a good for u. 20min walking = 7 min biking looh