Saturday, October 06, 2007

If only...

I'm very busy lately. Gosh I wished I could have more than 24 hours a day. I barely have free time during day time. Iki still doesn't want to "release" me from playing all the time with him. Guess he's lonely after spending 2 weeks with always-ready-to-play grandparents in Tokyo.

I started my Tae Bo again yesterday. Having no exercise for more than two weeks, eating high calorie food, and daily beer consumption made me lost my flat stomach. So quick, huh?! Hiro said that my tummy looks like Jabalaba's tummy (you will know if you watch star wars!). I got pain all over my body only after 35 minutes exercise. Now that I have new "hobby", I could only have 35 minutes exercise a day during Iki's nap time.

I'm making my very first jewelry now. My own design, my own taste. Most of all, no one in this world would ever wear the same design hohoho. I only have less than an hour a day to do this hobby. I must also take a nap at least half an hour to keep my good mood when Iki's awake.

Then the playing time starts again, continued with cooking time, cleaning time, etc etc. Got free time only after Iki's asleep, which sometimes I use for watching drama or movie with Hiro. At last now I can sit and write something here. Wished I have more time for chatting with friends or reading news and playing more with my jewelry tools. It's now almost 3 a.m. Not sleepy yet must go to bed. If only I could have more than 24 hours a day....


The Diva said...

poor you....

I am always wishing for the same thing, to be honest. Sometimes I wish for more time for myself, more rests and more time to do lots of other things...

treasure every moment ya Shier... bear in mind that even if you're busy, you still have a lot of things packed into your 24 hours, hey, who knows, one day you might open your own jewellery business!!!
remember great jewellery shops, the online ones etc, most of them were started out of hobby, out of spare time activities, and they turned out big.

Being a huge collector of accessories myself, unfortunately I simply don't have enough patience to do so, that's why I'd rather buy the accessories, or receive them as presents from others, hehehehe.
(Eh, if you pay attention to my Salzburg pictures, I was wearing the earrings u gave me for bday lho! They were one of my favourites till now!!!)

Vivi said...

Imoet, how did you do it when Iki was just born? having to take care of the house and the baby yourself? I don't have to take care of the house, and I will have plenty of helps with the baby here.

But I still want to care for her at night myself. So what did you have to prepare for the nite watch?

imoet said...

haha jewelry business???
no lah. just for personal collection. lah wong buat satu kalung butuh berhari2 (kepotong Iki nangis dan sejenisnya :p). Lagipula...buat kepuasan batin. Seneng aja ngeliat hasil prakarya sendiri :p.
Oh ya aku lihat hehehe. Tapi waktu itu saking senengnya baca berita ttg kerjaanmu sampe lupa komen. glad that u like it. really. tahun depan siap2 dapat kiriman buatan tanganku (kalo hobbyku masih sama hahaha)

when Iki was just born?!?! hahaha
it was really a mess back then. I could do my "own" things after Iki turned one year old.
dulu waktu Iki baru lahir Hiro yang bantu banyak. Yah...siapa lagi yang bisa diandalkan coba?! aku cuma ngelakuin sebisaku. Pulang kerja dia yang masak makan malam juga bersih2. abis aku recover baru aku mulai terbiasa n manage time lagi.
Are you planning to breastfeed your daughter? kalo iya ya buat ngejaga malam2 kamu cuma siap nenen yang penuh susu aja hehehe. Dulu waktu baru lahir Iki tiap 2 jam bangun minta susu. Tapi cuma beberapa bulan kok, abis itu dia bisa tidur overnight.

Benny Suryanto said...

For young mother ...nun jauh di negri orang..kacian deh lu..hix. Sama saya dong...kalo bisa Kiyo itu bisa apa2 sendiri hehehe, gak gleyotan ama mamanya trus.
Tiap hari bangun tidur, Kiyo udah berdiri sendiri di pintu, meja TV, ato box, ato kluar kamar. Dan kerjaanku cmn jaga dia spy ga tiba2 jatuh nggeblak ke blakang (kdg msh blum stabil dia berdiri), ato ndak ngemut2 sandal, kluar teras, kalow udah gini diangkat pasti jerit2 ngamuk. Baaah.
Aku cuman lega kalo dia tidur, bisa nglakuin masak, cleaning,tp hrs cepet2 yep buat waktuku sendiri dong baca berita (slebriti hehe), email.
Bahh aku skg lg bljat knitting, but akhirnya no time deh..malem mau mbuat udah capee nguaantuuuk.
Duuuh..mumet deh ndas ku.
Tapi kadang jg aku biarin dia mau berdiri pegangan pintu or apa trus akunya main internet hehehe tp tetep mata ngawasin, cuman kdg klo udah ga konsen Kiyo bisa jatuh bluk kena kepala e.Terlambat deh pertolongane huaaaaaa.
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