Thursday, November 30, 2006


This morning as I opened the curtain I saw thin white snow covered the city.
Beautiful....first snow of this winter.

It would be very cold outside. I remember last year I slipped many times walking on the ice.
And as I'm typing this, the snow is falling again outside. A quite heavy one.
It's been cold these past two weeks, but today as I saw this snow, I got this strong feeling that "winter has really come"


Anonymous said...

Wahhhh udah salju yah! Disini masih belom... tapi duingiiinnnn setengah mati, menurutku sih... sama-sama dinginnya lebih baik kalo bersalju, meskipun lantai rumah alamat cepet kotor :P
Keuntungan bersalju... pemandangan jadi lebih indah (pas buat christmas eve), dan anak-anak bisa main salju diluar.. lumayan khan kalo anak jadi betah main diluar, berantakan di rumah bisa diMinimalisasikan..hehehe :D
Enjoy the snow Mut! ;)

Anonymous said...

iya nek brian wes isa main diluar yun hahaha. Iki ya sek lom tak lepas di salju :p