Thursday, December 20, 2007

Farewell Dinner

Tonight we had farewell dinner with Hiro's colleagues. Tomorrow is Hiro's last working day. Boiled King Crab was the main menu. Too bad I didn't take photo. I had to take care of Iki who was suddenly full of energy. was a nice ending. Nice food, nice people, nice goodbyes.

But the farewell party was like a very loud alarm in my head: WAKE UP AND START PACKING, LAZY BUTT!!!!

We're going to move out next week, but I haven't even packed one single box yet (#_#). Arrrgghhhhh


Anonymous said...

hi there... Been here readin your post... Feel sad bout your farewell.. Well you can still come back if you have time I guess...

Anyway, would you mind adding my other blogs here...

Life Realities
Let's Travel Philippines

Please let me know 'cause I'll be glad to add you on my several blogs. Have a cool Christmas!!!...

Benny Suryanto said...

hahahahaha...I can imagine ne.
Waktoe tempoe duoloe aku pindahan jg begitoe, nanti nanti ajah..cuman nge-pack. Ehhh ternyata ga muat, musti bny yg ditinggal. Dipaketin jg udah berat.
So...gimana kamu ngirim barang2mu? Pake container kah?

LadyNoor said...

What? Not even a single box?? Well, you better up and do it now :p