Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Morning walks

Hiro goes to work at 6 o'clock every morning and then Iki and I have some walks around the neighborhood. Iki likes to look for PUTRI MALU and touch them one by one excitedly. He also likes to find cats and watch their behavior. Sometimes we walk to the lake too. Morning time like this is the best time to walk around. It's not hot yet with fresh air (NO DUST!!).


sus said...

sangar 'rek tempate, jek pedesaan lengkap sama rumah panggungnya pula (pengenn)

Benny Suryanto said...

Reaaly ga ada dust?
Di Misato sini, ketoke bersih, tp yo banyak debu tuh, lah rumah kok ya debuen trs ato aku emang kemproh huahahahhaha

LadyNoor said...

Wow, seems like a holiday destination. Lucky you, holidaying every day! :)

Hahaha, Iki I missed PUTRI MALU. I haven't seen them for ages! Wah, Ameera bisa ngiri berat kalo tau kamu main2 sama kucing, dia sampe merengek2 minta peluk kucing :D

Mbak'e said...

Halo, Iki... wah, banyak putri malu ya, senengnya...