Thursday, October 30, 2008


I think I'm gaining weight, and I know that Mina-chan is the one who is responsible. She is a really good cook. Everyday she prepares delicious spicy Sulawesi-style lunch for me, and I just can't stop eating eventhough my stomach is actually overloaded :p.
I want to do the Billy Bootcamp again, but I'm afraid such an exercise could break down the whole house. That's why now every afternoon I walk for about 2 km while Iki is sleeping. I hope that way then I could maintain my weight, but I'm afraid now I couldn't help protecting my skin from sunburnt!! It gets really dark now (>.<)


Benny Suryanto said...

huhauhauhuaha geli aku baca postinganmu.
Mosok latihan billy bla..bla..bisa buat ambruk rumahmu sih kikikik.
Btw..jalan di perumahanmu bersih dan seger juga ya.
Siang2 jalan2 gak debuen tah...??
Eh...ueenak e yo ppny maid isa pinter masak nyam..nyam..aku jg mau rek.hihihi.

Mbak'e said...

lho, Moet, dirimu gak bawa bekal "cadar" dari sini tha? Biar gak item, pake cadar kayak nyonyah2 Jepun, sarung tangan panjang, topi lebar, kudung leher, dll. Hihi.. sumuk be-e malahan yo (nyengir).

Anonymous said...

billy boot camp? i tried it once and ran out of my breath...he3x. now I'm switching to Turbo Jam. it rocks!

salam kenal ya