Sunday, April 04, 2010

Sakura Matsuri

Iki and I went to Ueno today for ohanami (cherry blossom festival = sakura matsuri) with in laws family. Hiro didn't go with us, he hates crowded place and he was 100% sure it will ruin his mood. So I met my parents in law and Hiro's sister family at Ueon train station. I was glad Hiro was not with us. He would definitely be backed off and went to department store instead!! A LOT OF PEOPLE. First thing I could think of when I saw them was ANTS. I felt like looking at a huge row of thousands of giant ants in front of me.

The Sakura was perfectly bloomed. Beautiful as always. There were a lot of people picnicking under the trees, and to be able to get a place, they didn't mind to come a day before or at night and waited for their friends to come the next day.

It was pretty cold today. There was no sun as predicted on the weather forecast. But we had a good time. Iki loves playing with his cousins :)


yufinats said...

big WOW ...itu antrian padat poll!!!
tapi wajarlah...bunga indah begitu menyedot org bagai semut-semut disana :D

Mbak'e said...

udah sampai Ueno, gak mampir Ameyoko tha Moet? Nyari cabe, hehe...

imoet said...

yuni: iya, tapi kapok ah hanami ketempat itu pas lagi wiken. gak kuat ketemu semut semut yg lain

mbak'e: ada orang segitu banyaknya mbak...bawa iki pula. pasti nyasar deh hehe

The Diva said...

Love love LOVE your scarf!!!!!!! Beli dimanaaaaa????

Whuahahahaha... tell hIro that Martin will FREAK OUT if he sees so many ants. Lah wong si bule satu itu dibawa ke downtown hari Sabtu buat liat2 dept store, atau ke Ikea pas wiken dengan jubelan orang, MINTA PULANG jarene pusing mumet dan nubruk kiri kanan tiap jalan 1 senti, kudu ngamuk meledak de'e huahahahaha...

So I guess next time I visit Japan, or you guys visit Germany, I know where to drop off the boys: beergarten / Brewery House while we girls go shopping!!!!!!!! hahahahaha....

imoet said...

diva: beli dimanado!! sakjane buat oleh2 ke mertuaku. tapi diliat2 kok ya apik....kujadikan hak milik deh hahaha. well, i believe it would look good on me than her LOL

yeah...hiro benci tempat ramai. makanya kita sekarang tinggal di tokyo malah gak kemana2 kalo wiken. lah manusia uakeh gitu, kalo pulang hiro mesti bete.....

baguslah, jadi kalo kita maen ke jerman u know where to drop the boys and where to bring me around haha