Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hello and Goodbye

Again, quoting from a friend long time ago, Life is about hello and goodbye. I said goodbye already to my old kitchen and now am widely smile to say hello to my new kitchen here :)

We are settling down now. These few days have been hectic with unpacking our hand carry luggages (9 boxes and 3 suitcases), and shopping for house needs. In Korea we were almost fully facilitated by the company but here we really have to buy everything. We rented an empty apartment from Hiro's company's apartment complex. Lucky we got the futon set (Japanese bed style) as a gift from my parents in law, and we could also borrow some stuffs from them until our shipment arrives from Korea. I got headache counting the money we must spend, as well as thinking about the 47 more boxes coming from Korea within three weeks. I haven't even finished unpacking our hand carry, and feel so exhauted now :))

Moving out was not really a pain for me. The worst part was the cleaning part only. Then I just have to sort out which stuffs to be brought by ourselves, to be sent by air, and to be sent by ship. It took almost 24 hours (yeah yeah...we did it on the last two days HAHA). On the moving day 5 persons from the moving company came to our apartment and did all the packing stuffs. I just gave order and watched them working hehehe, They were very professional and to my surprise they finished packing the 47 boxes neatly only within 3 hours!! Later on the company will also unpack the big boxes and here I will just have to arrange our stuffs (but later would be ME only, because Hiro won't be available anymore).

That company even took care of our mountainous trashes, taking care of my christmas tree and helped us packing our hand carry luggages. But we have to pay 6000 USD for such professionalism. Oh, not us. Hiro will send the bill to his company :p

Tomorrow is Iki's birthday. But I couldn't prepare any cake for him. I made a big plan actually, baking a Thomas train birthday cake for him. I even looked for the train mould and bought it already. But it's still a big mess here and it's impossible to bake any cake for him :( . Haven't even bought anything to be cooked tomorrow. I have no power anymore to go out for shopping after he slept tonight.

Last pipis at APT in Korea

Yeah...I think I am ready to start our new life here. I must learn a lot this time, especially about Japanese language and culture. Must adapt to this new society with lots of rules. Let's just see if I'll grumble here later on hehehe

Gotta go for some more cleaning before going to bed. Be right back with more stories tomorrow (hopefully! :p)


Benny Suryanto said...

HAHAHAHA, iya Mut aku liat iklan2 TV perusahaan buat pindahan gitu, waah ketoke cepet bgt, diksh dus, dipack, n un-pack jg. Tp cek akehe sih barangmu? Piro taun dikorea?

eeh Iki ultah ya...Met ultah ya Iki.

Btw...sek bingung mau ke tmpmu kpn?
Abis kamu jg kan repot jg unpacking brg2mu.Ntar kita jln2 ok.

Mbak'e said...

Happy New Year, Imoet. Selamat ultah juga buat Iki chan. Ngomong2 bapak-e Rui kapan hari nyari hotel buat Sapporo Yuki Matsuri, tapi kok pada full-booked ya. Mana ternyata Yuki Matsuri nya cuma seminggu aja, pendek banget. Gak tahu deh kita nanti jadi pergi ato engga. Seandainya pergi mungkin Higairi kali ya.

Selamat beres2 rumah baru!

Kitchen Planet said...

happy new year mut... ayo kapan chatting??
Kangen denger kabarmu :((