Saturday, January 19, 2008

Indonesian Food-sick

Been eating mostly Japanese food for this 1 month. I thought I could survive that I put all my Indonesian food supply leftover inside our shipping stuffs instead of bringing some as hand luggage. Indeed now I'm suffering of Indonesian Food-sick, all food I also missed a lot at this time. Most of all I miss the spicy-salty-and sour taste of Babi Rica-rica!!

And damn Sheila's blog about her Culinary Paradise during her visit to Indonesia!!! It made me drooling even worse. Don't have time to go to Ueno and find some Indonesian spices around that place, especially because I don't know where it is exactly :p. Indonesian restaurants here are expensive and I'm too afraid it's not worthed the taste. All I could do is waiting for our shipping boxes, which will exactly come next Saturday!!

Arrrghhhh another suffering week (>.<)


The Diva said...

hahahaha maaf ya Muuuttt, culinary paradise itu emang khusus buat kalian2 yang jauh dari kampung halaman... hahahaha.

Gosh I miss INdonesian food as well.
The price, the taste, everything. Huhhh, bete. Rasane isi supermarket dulu itu pingin dibawa semua ke Jerman, padahal bagasiku wes setengah kuintal hahahaha...

Shipping boxes mu itu kalo dateng mau diapain semua????

LadyNoor said...

Hehehe.... Lha aku malah sebulan terakhir ini baru satu kali balik ke restoran Jepang, last Monday.

As much as I miss Indonesian food aku males ke restoran Indo, jauh dan rasanya kok mboseni ya. Ga semenarik jajan di warung2 di Indo :p

Benny Suryanto said...

hellooo kamu pengin apa Moet...??:D

I'm at Indonesia now. Dan baru di Jkt baru makan "tempe" and "nasi goreng" hahahaha.

Suka tempe?..rasanya aku pgn bljr mbuat tempe deh biar ntar bisa mkn tempe trs huahahahahha

Anonymous said...

Laaa.... aku kok gak bs buka blog mu???
Anyway... yang paling bahagia tuh aku donk... gak pengen masakan Indo sama sekali *PHEW* :D
Tapiiii... Ngiler kalo bayangin kue2 Tradisional yang manis-manis... harum santan dan pandan... legit dan lumer di lidah.. OOHHHHH!!!

Anonymous said...

Info Resep makanan & Masakan Indonesia, jajanan pasar, pastry & bakery, Indonesian food.

Anonymous said...

Info Resep makanan & Masakan Indonesia, jajanan pasar, pastry & bakery, Indonesian food.