Tuesday, November 25, 2008

At last!

This morning we got our shipped luggage. At last!!!
58 boxes in total. Seems that I'll be busy for a couple of days :p


The Diva said...

Buset 58 boxes itu belum termasuk yang kamu bawa dari Jepang waktu berangkat kan?

Hahahaha 58 boxes... ngalahin aku yang 40 boxes dan boxes ku kecil2 nggak kayak kamu guedhe2 gitu, edan isi opo ae rek???
Have fun unpacking deh yaaaaaa...

Kitchen Planet said...

wah pasti skrg lg sibuk unpacking... kalo udah beres chatting lg yo! ;)

LadyNoor said...

Holy crap! Salut aku, Moet, kamu kecil2 bisa packing boxes segede2 bujug gituh!

Well, met unpacking deh... Don't get buried under those, looks dangerous enough to me :D