Friday, November 14, 2008


There's a gym here!!! Well facilitated by INCO. The funny thing is, member can enter it anytime, with a special key. My friend lent me her key while she's away for a month so this morning I could have an hour exercise without being exposed to the sun hahaha. Hope I could be a member and have my own key soon!


Mbak'e said...

Lha itu ada gym lengkap gitu alat-e, Moet. Selamat berolahraga deh!

Pre said...

huuaakkk!! itu alat2'e lifefitness ya?? boleh jugak :D

Benny Suryanto said...

Kalau fitness gituh apa gak mbuat otot tambah gede.
Misal yg bagian tangan gituh loh kan malah jd berotot dan tampak besar..hehehe.
Kalau perut kan bisa ngencengin perut biar trepes.
hehehe..........duh nggak pernah fitness nih.
Jalan2 kaki ajah udah ga pernah...lah wes nduwe sepeda. Apalagi dingin2 begini enak ndekem dikamar dan ngemil.Wah tambah gembrot aku....(bukan gendut tok) huehueheuheue.

Mamisinga said...

awas kurus.. :p