Monday, November 03, 2008

I can drive!

Today was my first time driving all alone. I even went to Toko Baru (the only supermarket here?) for a bit shopping. I could park the car too though my car took the parking space of two cars hahaha. I was already sweaty when I picked up the driver to accompany me driving on crowded roads, and indeed driving there made me even more sweaty! There were lots of motorbikes and cars and chickens! All I need is more practice.
Tomorrow I will try driving with Iki on the child seat :p


The Diva said...

Hahaha tetep ngeri kalo disetirin kamu Mut.

Mungkin ntar 2 tahun lagi aku baru berani mboksetirin kamu heheheheh...

Chickens? Ohhh run them over!!
If I could do it with GOATS, you can do it with chickens too!!! Hahahahahahaha...

Mbak'e said...

Woah, Moet, cek gedhe ne mobilmu. Gak abot tha, setiran ne?

Lek aku wes nyerah be-e, gak bakalan nyetir di jalanan Indonesia. (Soal-e emang ndak punya mobil di sono, hihi)

Benny Suryanto said...

Selama tidak ada garis putih batasan parkir juga gpp hihihi.

Parkir emang paling susah.

Tapi mobil ini jg dulu pilihanku, gede mantep tp tidak panjang biar ga susah masukin bokongnya mobil.
Dan gak kalah ama spd motor.

Tp buat Imoet, kok rasane opo ndak mendelep? hihihihhi......peace!!

Mba Ika, klo Feroza ini rasanya udah power steering deh, jd ga abot bgt.
Kok aku ya yg njawab kekekekek.