Sunday, June 13, 2010

Coasters for bazaar

Iki's school bazaar is coming and all the mothers are expected to participate. About once to twice a week we (mothers from Iki's class) meet, planned, and handmade together the stuffs we will contribute to the bazaar.

Justify Full
One of them are this coasters. Was not my idea, but I made all of them myself (^_-). Can't believe I could make 5 sets!!! For a beginner like me, it was pretty difficult :p

One set (two coasters with different colors) will be sold for 100 yen (1 dollar)


Mee said...

mau beli!!!!!
kirim ke sendai bisa?*mahalan ongkos kirime :DDD*

Miftahgeek said...

pa an tuh Coaster?? *maklum orang kampung, baru ngeh

Carla Chanliau said...

lucu. kayaknya dulu wkt smp ikutan tata busana disuruh bikin beginian juga buat bazaar.

imoet said...

mee: haiyah mee....beneran mahalan ongkos kirimnya!!

miftahgeek: coaster itu tatakan gelas :).

carla: iyo la, ini malah mama mama sing kudu bikin barang2 buat bazaar. itu coaster bikinanku yg pertama hahaha